Being actors in the revolution that quantum technologies will bring about in many engineering sectors is certainly the main objective of this course of study.
The master's degree course in Quantum Engineering therefore provides for a programme curriculum in line with its main purpose, i.e. to train graduates with a multidisciplinary background that includes the mathematical, physical, electronic and IT skills necessary for an effective application of quantum technologies to the fields of communications, information technology and sensors.
You will become an expert in quantum theory, in order to understand the fundamental laws and mechanisms that govern the operation of quantum systems and devices, then you will deepen your knowledge of electronic, computer and communications systems to design the integration of quantum systems into real applications.
The programme curriculum will allow you to acquire high-level professional skills with vertical training in three main application areas:
- Quantum Computing, training course with specific teachings aimed at the design and use of very high performance computing systems, development of applications and algorithms operating on quantum computers, development of hybrid classical/quantum applications and new quantum computer architectures.
- Quantum Communication, training course with specific teachings aimed at the design and use of intrinsically secure communication systems based on quantum cryptography and the related algorithms and devices for engineering implementation.
- Quantum Sensors, a training course aimed at the design and use of measurement systems based on quantum sensors for extremely diversified application sectors, implemented with photonic or solid-state technologies.

The master's degree course in Quantum Engineering is entirely taught in English.
Due to its multidisciplinary nature, it is open to Bachelor graduates in Electronic Engineering, Physics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering and Mathematics for Engineering. It can also be a valuable option and higher education opportunity for students with a Bachelor degree in Physics, Computer Science and Mathematics.
You will learn through lectures, classroom exercises, experimental (also in a cleanroom) and computational laboratory activities organized in groups.
The programme curriculum is divided into four semesters, each of which includes teaching activities that provide transversal skills in the sectors characterizing the master degree with the presence of integrated courses.
You can choose to carry out the thesis activity in any top-level italian or international company, university or research center all over the world.