As an Electronic Engineer you will be able choose from a variety of career fields:
- DATA ANALYST: you will analyse market requirements and objectives set by customers or firms (not necessarily electronic companies); you will identify new applications for electronic systems and devices and analyse components or systems, including highly complex ones, defining their specifications to achieve the objectives specified by the customer;
- SYSTEMS DESIGNER: you will design components or analog/digital electronic systems, and, if necessary, you will develop new components with features not found on the market (new devices and integrated circuits), and complete integrated systems (System-On-Chip). This includes even very complex systems with innovative features and performance that require the integration of various specialized aspects of ICTs;
- DIRECTOR OF LABORATORIES AND HIGH-TECH ELECTRONIC FACILITIES: you will set up and manage industrial research and development projects.
- RESEARCHER: you will work in companies and research institutions to develop new electronic devices and applications as well as advanced system applications of all types which use electronic devices;
- FREE-LANCE PROFESSIONAL: you will work as an electronic engineering consultant in businesses, government agencies, as well as in organisations of other sectors.