Orientation for prospective students and school initiatives

Are you a high school student and you would like to have more information on the Bachelor’s Degree programme in Environmental and Land Engineering at Politecnico di Torino or you would like to take part in one of our orientation activities?

Are you a high school teacher and you would like to invite us to join the orientation activities in your school or you would like to know which scientific dissemination activities we offer?

Here you can find all the information you need:

Salone dell'Orientamento Lauree 2024

Venerdì 12 aprile

Lezioni tematiche del DIATI

Orario Aula R1B Aula R4B

Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio

Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio: sfide ambientali

E. Costamagna

A. Viglione

13:30 - 14:30  

Civil and environmental engineering

Towards the sustainability of the built environment

C. Manes

(Presentazione in lingua inglese)

14:45 - 15:45  

Ingegneria civile

Ingegneria civile: una laurea di opportunità

C. Manes

Team studenteschi


Il Team DIRECT ha per obiettivo l'istituzione di una formazione studentesca continua attiva necessaria per preparare "crisis mapper", ovvero esperti con elevate competenze specifiche per l'applicazione delle più moderne tecniche della geomatica (rilevamento metrico 3D, droni, fotogrammetria, telerilevamento, GIS/webGIS) nelle varie fasi del "disaster management" al fine di acquisire ed elaborare informazioni per il "rapid mapping".

Visite ai laboratori DIATI

Corso di Laurea Nome Laboratorio Dettagli attività Posti disponibili Slot Orario
Ingegneria Civile DISEG-DIATI I grandi laboratori dell'ingegneria Civile 20 16:00-17:15
Ingegneria Meccanica DIATI Visita del laboratorio di idraulica 20 13:30-14:00
Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e il Territorio DIATI Visita al Clean Water Center 25 10:00 - 10:30
Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e il Territorio DIATI Visita al Clean Water Center 25 15:00 - 15:30

Nello spazio di fronte alle Aule R sarà esposto il MovingLab, il laboratorio mobile per lo studio dei cambiamenti climatici (non è richiesta prenotazione).


Sabato 13 aprile

Lezioni tematiche del DIATI

Orario Aula R1B Aula R2B Aula R3B
9.45 - 10.45

Civil and environmental engineering

Towards the sustainability of the built environment

C. Manes

(Presentazione in lingua inglese)


Ingegneria civile

Ingegneria civile: una laurea di opportunità

C. Manes


Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio

Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio: sfide ambientali

L. V. Socco

Team studenteschi

Mi Lego al Territorio

Mi Lego al Territorio è un team studentesco che dal 2015 si occupa di sensibilizzare grandi e piccini sulle tematiche ambientali quali dissesti idrologici, alluvioni e frane, e sismici. Per farlo il team ha ideato dei modelli in scala che vanno a riprodurre questi fenomeni, e le loro conseguenze, sul territorio e l'ambiente circostante, interamente costruiti in LEGO!

Nello spazio di fronte alle Aule R sarà esposto il MovingLab, il laboratorio mobile per lo studio dei cambiamenti climatici (non è richiesta prenotazione).


Open days and Orientation Fair

Salone dell'Orientamento

To help high school students in their decision process to begin their university studies, every year Politecnico organizes a series of events and meetings to show in depth the different study programmes and the numerous activities and services offered by the University to the aspiring freshmen.

In 2024 there will be another edition of the Open Day online, followed by the in-person Orientation Fair which takes place in the ensemble of the R Classrooms in via Borsellino with booths set up to present the bachelor’s study programmes and a full schedule of themed meetings and lessons opened to anyone.

Set your calendars:

  • Open Day online: February 8th, 2024
  • Orientation Fair: April 12th and 13th, 2024

Virtual classroom and orientation

Virtual classroom di orientamento

Every year, from February to May, one afternoon a week we open a virtual classroom that you can freely join to meet the teaching staff and ask questions regarding the educational offer of the following study programmes:

  • Bachelor’s Degree programme in Environmental and Land Engineering
  • Bachelor’s Degree programme in Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Master’s Degree programme Environmental and Land Engineering
  • Master’s Degree programme in Georesources and Geoenergy Engineering
  • Master’s Degree programme in Agritech Engineering

You can join the first virtual classroom on Wednesday, Febraury 14th 2024 at the following link: https://didattica.polito.it/VClass/WedMeet2024

MovingLab School Tour


An orientation activity dedicated mainly to the students enrolled in the 4th and 5th year of high school in the city of Turin, realized in collaboration with the Environmental and Land Engineering Committee and the Civil Engineering Committee. The initiative consists of a meeting with two professors of Politecnico di Torino who go to each school by MovingLab, a mobile laboratory created to study climate change in real time. The high school students can ask questions concerning the Bachelor’s Degree programmes in Environmental and Land Engineering and in Civil Engineering, and they can take part in practical challenges as well.

PCTO and NRRP Orientation courses

laboratorio sul fiume PO

In the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4 “Education and research” – Component 1 “Strengthening the provision of education services: from crèches to universities” - Investment 1.6 “Active Guidance in School-University Transition”. Politecnico di Torino realized orientation courses aimed at students enrolled in the last three years of high school.

Educational institutions can include orientation courses in their educational offer, even in the framework of “Pathways for Soft Skills and Orientation” (PCTO).

For the school year 2023/2024 the Environmental and Land Engineering Committee, in the framework of the catalogue “Construction, Environment and Land” has suggested two courses:

  • Open river laboratory
  • Sustainability engineering laboratory

Video interviews to our alumni

attrezzatura per registrare una videointervista

We have recorded short video interviews with some of our Bachelor’s graduates, who talk about their experiences in the Environmental and Land Engineering course.

Biennale Tecnologia 24 for Schools

banner Biennale Tecnologia

Biennale Tecnologia 24 new proposal, in line with the current school context, is designed as a useful addition to the traditional and the mixed in person-online teaching methods, involving and supporting the work of the teaching staff.

The educational offer call for professors, researchers, PhD students of Politecnico di Torino to share their research results in Italian schools (in person for the schools of the city of Turin and online for the rest of Italy), offering a wealth of knowledge that becomes a useful tool for teachers and students to study, with and interdisciplinary approach, current issues regarding the relationship among technology, humanity and society.

Biennale Tecnologia confirms its support towards high school teachers and students with lessons that will take place in the months before Biennale third edition, from October 2023 to March 2024.

As many as 13 topics are related to environmental engineering and are proposed by professors of the Department of Environmental, Land and Infrastructure Engineering.


Logo ScuolAmbiente

An initiative created by the Department of Environmental, Land and Infrastructure Engineering to bring high school students closer to the issues of environmental management and protection, sustainable use of resources and eco-friendly development of infrastructure and transport systems. The initiative is mainly aimed at the schools of the Piedmont Region, and it consists in short lessons held by DIATI staff.


visita ai laboratori del dipartimento

The Department of Environmental, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) periodically open its laboratories to make its educational and research activities more visible and to arouse the interest of students, researchers, companies and the general public towards the research topics carried out by the different groups of the Department. Schools can request to organize lab visits.

Change the climate

Due attori sul palcoscenico

“Change the climate” is a theatre show created with Faber Teater to show how environmental engineering and the scientific research can find solutions to climate change challenges. The show can be repeated in the schools that request it.