Andrea Valerio

Dottorando in Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni , 36o ciclo (2020-2023)
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni (DET)


Dottorato di ricerca

Titolo della tesi

Design of Pulse Wave Velocity and Blood Pressure Devices for Cardiovascular Health Evaluation.

Argomento di ricerca

Sviluppo di un dispositivo wireless per la stima in ambiente clinico della rigidità arteriosa


Presentazione della ricerca


Interessi di ricerca

Analog, Power and Mixed-Signal Circuits and Embedded Systems
Big Data, Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Data Science
Biomedical devices and applications
Electronic devices: modeling and characterization
Micro- and nanotechnologies, devices, systems and applications
Multimedia Signal Processing
Optical and Wireless Digital Transmissions Systems


I attended a Bachelor's Degree in biomedical engineering at Politecnico di Torino and during this period, I developed a particular interest in the development of tools and devices to be used for diagnostic and clinical purposes. After the bachelor's, I undertook the Master of Science course in biomedical instrumentation at Politecnico di Torino to have a greater insight on the engineering principles which have been taught in the Bachelor's Degree.
From this course, I gained deeper knowledge about the usage of sensors and MEMS in the development of a biomedical device, the development of signal processing techniques, and machine learning algorithms to process and analyze data.
I carried out my master thesis, titled “Development of Machine Learning-Based Algorithms for Assessing Tai Chi Exercise Proficiency in Older Adults”, at the Motion Analysis Lab of the Harvard Medical School in Boston, under the supervision of Prof. Danilo Demarchi and Prof. Paolo Bonato. The aim of the thesis was the development of data analysis techniques, including the design and the implementation of signal processing procedures and machine learning algorithms to derive clinically-relevant information from sensor data collected using wearable technology.
In November 2020, under the supervision of Prof. Danilo Demarchi, I started his Ph.D. program in Electronics Engineering at Politecnico di Torino in collaborations with Molinette Hospital. The objective of the Ph.D. is the study of innovative methodologies for the assessment of Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) and related clinical analyses. The final target is to obtain a low cost, non-invasive, clinical-grade PWV evaluation device.


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