Nicolo' Abrate

Dottorato in Energetica , 34o ciclo (2018-2021)

Dottorato concluso nel 2022


Methods for safety and stability analysis of nuclear systems (Abstract)


Sandra Dulla Nicola Pedroni


Argomento di ricerca

Metodi per la analisi di sicurezza e stabilità di reattori nucleari

Interessi di ricerca

Nuclear reactor physics and multiphysics modeling of innovative fission systems


Graduated in Energy and Nuclear Engineering at Politecnico di Torino in 2017 with the thesis "Numerical methods for the characterization of the spatial effects in large thermal reactors" (supervisors: Prof. Sandra Dulla, Prof. Piero Ravetto).
Ph.D. student since 2018, research topic "Methods for safety and stability analysis of nuclear systems" (tutors: Prof. Sandra Dulla, Prof. Nicola Pedroni)

Premi e riconoscimenti

  • The ENEN PhD Event & Prize is an action of the European Nuclear Education Network to support the Research and Science in the Nuclear fields promoting the works of the young scientists and researchers who start their careers finishing their PhD. It takes place on a yearly basis in the framework of the international congress in the field of nuclear science. The ENEN PhD Events are co-sponsored by the European Nuclear Education Network Association (ENEN), the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), and the organizer of the international conference (FISA2022-EURADWASTE '22). All presentations are judged by the Jury members taking into account the quality of the submitted paper as well as the quality of the presentation itself. Moreover, the participation in the discussion and the clarity in answering the questions received are also taken into account in selecting the winners. The ENEN PhD prize will grant me 1000€ to cover the expenses to participate to an international conference and present the result of my research work. (2022)



Corso di laurea magistrale

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Corso di laurea di 1° livello

MostraNascondi A.A. passati


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