Giovanni Iacobello

Dottorato in Ingegneria Aerospaziale , 32o ciclo (2016-2019)

Dottorato concluso nel 2020


Spatio-temporal analysis of wall-bounded turbulence: A multidisciplinary perspective via complex networks (Abstract)


Stefania Scarsoglio


Argomento di ricerca

Applicazione della teoria delle reti complesse allo studio di flussi turbolenti

Interessi di ricerca

Computational Fluid Dynamics
Experimental Fluid Dynamics
Turbulent Flows


I earned a Bachelor's Degree and a Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino in 2013 and 2016, respectively. After my MSc Degree, I earned the post-graduate research fellowship “Ernesto e Ben Omega Petrazzini 2016/2017” from the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (Turin), supervised by Prof. S. Scarsoglio. In 2017, I was appointed as winner of the post-graduate award “Premio Muggia 2017” (Politecnico di Torino), for the best master thesis in Aerodynamics and Gas-dynamics with the title: New insights into spatial characterization of turbulent flows: a complex network-based analysis. I have also been selected by the ERCOFTAC Italian Pilot Centre as one of the three best italian PhD graduates to participate at the 15th ERCOFTAC da Vinci Competition, whose Prize is awarded annually in recognition of an excellent PhD thesis in theoretical and applied fluid dynamics.

My research topics include wall-bounded turbulence, passive-scalar mixing and dispersion, and applications of complex networks to fluid flows. From April to June 2018 I have been a visiting graduate student at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Eindhoven University of Technology (Eindhoven, the Netherlands), working with Prof. J.G.M. Kuerten. I have also been a visiting graduate student at the Laboratory of Fluid Transfer and Acoustics (LMFA) of the École Centrale de Lyon (Écully, France) in 2019, working with Prof. P. Salizzoni. At LMFA I took part to an experimental campaign involving a rough-wall wind-tunnel facility.

I have been teaching assistant for the courses "Applied thermodynamics and heat transfer" (BSc course, academic years 2017/2018, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020) and "Experimental Aerodynamics" (MSc course, academic year 2019/2020), as well as co-advisor of several BSc and MSc theses at the Politecnico di Torino.

Premi e riconoscimenti

  • Borsa di studio annuale 2016/2017 intitolata a "Ernesto e Ben Omega Petrazzini", per lo sviluppo di un progetto di ricerca nell'ambito di Ingegneria Aerospaziale. La borsa è stata bandita dall'Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. (2019)
  • Premio alla memoria del Prof. Ing. Aldo Muggia, per lo sviluppo della tesi di laurea magistrale, relativa a studi fondamentali ed applicazioni dell'aerodinamica e della gasdinamica. (2019)



Corso di laurea magistrale

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Corso di laurea di 1° livello

MostraNascondi A.A. passati


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