Sara Ferraris

Fixed-term tenure-track assistant professor
Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)


Research interests

Caratterizzazioni superficiali
Funzionalizzazione superficiale
Materiali metallici
Metallic materials
Molecole naturali
Natural molecules
Surface characterization
Surface functionalization
Surface treatments
Trattamenti superficiali

Scientific branch

IMAT-01/A - Materials Science and Technology
(Area 0009 - Industrial and information engineering)


ERC sectors

PE5_7 - Biomaterials, biomaterials synthesis
PE4_17 - Characterisation methods of materials
PE8_8 - Materials engineering (biomaterials, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, etc.)
PE5_6 - New materials: oxides, alloys, composite, organic-inorganic hybrid, nanoparticles
PE5_3 - Surface modification
PE4_4 - Surface science and nanostructures


Goal 3: Good health and well-being
Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Open badges


Collegi of the PhD programmes

  • SCIENZA E TECNOLOGIA DEI MATERIALI, 2022/2023 (39. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO

Collegi of the degree programmes



Master of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Bachelor of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati



Research groups/teams

Research projects

Projects funded by competitive calls

Supervised PhD students

  • Anna Rossanese. Programme in Scienza E Tecnologia Dei Materiali (39th cycle, 2023-in progress)
  • Paolo Tallone. Programme in Scienza E Tecnologia Dei Materiali (38th cycle, 2022-in progress)
  • Camilla Reggio. Programme in Bioingegneria E Scienze Medico-chirurgiche (37th cycle, 2021-in progress)
    Research subject: Adsorption of proteins on titanium with different surface modifications
    Materials, surfaces and biofabrication techniques for tissue engineering and advanced implants
    Materials, surfaces and biofabrication techniques for tissue engineering and advanced implants
  • Rossella Sesia. Programme in Scienza E Tecnologia Dei Materiali (37th cycle, 2022-in progress)
  • Francesca Gamna. Programme in Scienza E Tecnologia Dei Materiali (35th cycle, 2019-2023)
    Thesis: Multifunctional bioinspired surfaces for different host responses
  • Jacopo Barberi. Programme in Scienza E Tecnologia Dei Materiali (34th cycle, 2018-2022)
    Thesis: Exploring proteins in Roughland: on the adsorption of proteins on biomaterials for osseointegration
    Surfaces / Superfici
    Materials for biomedical applications / Materiali per applicazioni biomediche
    Materials characterization / Caratterizzazione di materiali
    Metals / Mettalli
    Glasses / Vetri
    Surfaces / Superfici
    Materials for biomedical applications / Materiali per applicazioni biomediche
    Materials characterization / Caratterizzazione di materiali
    Metals / Mettalli
    Glasses / Vetri
    Surfaces / Superfici
    Materials for biomedical applications / Materiali per applicazioni biomediche
    Materials characterization / Caratterizzazione di materiali
    Metals / Mettalli
    Glasses / Vetri
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