Physical Sciences and Engineering

Research and innovation stories

Poliflash - Articoli card

Departments fields of research


Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Number theory

Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Algebraic and complex geometry

Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Lie groups, Lie algebras

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Geometry and Global Analysis

Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)


Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)


Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Operator algebras and functional analysis

Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

ODE and dynamical systems

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Theoretical aspects of partial differential equations

Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Mathematical physics

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)


Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Mathematical statistics

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Discrete mathematics and combinatorics

Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Mathematical aspects of computer science

Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Numerical analysis

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Scientific computing and data processing

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Control theory, optimisation and operational research

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Application of mathematics in sciences

Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Application of mathematics in industry and society

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric composition, air pollution

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG)

Meteorology, atmospheric physics and dynamics

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Climatology and climate change

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Terrestrial ecology, land cover change

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Geology, tectonics, volcanology

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG)

Physics of earth’s interior, seismology, geodynamics

Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI)

Oceanography (physical, chemical, biological, geological)

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Biogeochemistry, biogeochemical cycles, environmental chemistry

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Mineralogy, petrology, igneous petrology, metamorphic petrology

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI)

Geochemistry, cosmochemistry, crystal chemistry, isotope geochemistry, thermodynamics

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI)

Sedimentology, soil science, palaeontology, earth evolution

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Physical geography, geomorphology

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Earth observations from space/remote sensing

Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Hydrology, hydrogeology, engineering and environmental geology, water and soil pollution

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Cryosphere, dynamics of snow and ice cover, sea ice, permafrosts and ice sheets

Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG)

Planetary geology and geophysics

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI)


Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG)

Earth system modelling and interactions

Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG)

Engineering of biomaterials, biomimetic, bioinspired and bio-enabled materials

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Engineering of metals and alloys

Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Engineering of ceramics and glasses

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Engineering of polymers and plastics

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Engineering of composites and hybrid materials

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG)

Engineering of carbon materials

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Engineering of metal oxides

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Engineering of alternative established or emergent materials

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG)

Nanomaterials engineering, e.g. nanoparticles, nanoporous materials, 1D & 2D nanomaterials

Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Soft materials engineering, e.g. gels, foams, colloids

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Porous materials engineering, e.g. covalent-organic, metal-organic, porous aromatic frameworks

Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Semi-conducting and magnetic materials engineering

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Metamaterials engineering

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET)

Computational methods for materials engineering

Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Theory of fundamental interactions

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Particle physics

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Classical and quantum physics of gravitational interactions

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Nuclear, hadron and heavy ion physics

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Nuclear and particle astrophysics

Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Gas and plasma physics

Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)


Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Atomic, molecular physics

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Ultra-cold atoms and molecules

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Optics, non-linear optics and nano-optics

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)


Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Quantum optics and quantum information

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Lasers, ultra-short lasers and laser physics

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)


Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Non-linear physics

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Statistical physics (gases)

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Metrology and measurement

Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics: steady states and dynamics

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Structure of solids, material growth and characterisation

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Mechanical and acoustical properties of condensed matter, lattice dynamics

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Transport properties of condensed matter

Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Electronic properties of materials, surfaces, interfaces, nanostructures

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Physical properties of semiconductors and insulators

Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Macroscopic quantum phenomena, e.g. superconductivity, superfluidity, quantum Hall effect

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)


Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Magnetism and strongly correlated systems

Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Condensed matter – beam interactions (photons, electrons, etc.)

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Nanophysics, e.g. nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, nanomagnetism, nanoelectromechanics

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Mesoscopic quantum physics and solid-state quantum technologies

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Molecular electronics

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Structure and dynamics of disordered systems, e.g. soft matter (gels, colloids, liquid crystals), granular matter, liquids, glasses, defects

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Fluid dynamics (physics)

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Statistical physics: phase transitions, condensed matter systems, models of complex systems, interdisciplinary applications

Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Physics of biological systems

Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Physical chemistry

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Molecular architecture and Structure

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Surface science and nanostructures

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Analytical chemistry

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Chemical physics

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Chemical instrumentation

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Electrochemistry, electrodialysis, microfluidics, sensors

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Method development in chemistry

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Heterogeneous catalysis

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Physical chemistry of biological systems

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Chemical reactions: mechanisms, dynamics, kinetics and catalytic reactions

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Theoretical and computational chemistry

Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)


Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)


Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Characterisation methods of materials

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Environment chemistry

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Computer architecture, embedded systems, operating systems

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Distributed systems, parallel computing, sensor networks, cyber-physical systems

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Software engineering, programming languages and systems

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Theoretical computer science, formal methods, automata

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Security, privacy, cryptology, quantum cryptography

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Algorithms and complexity, distributed, parallel and network algorithms, algorithmic game theory

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, natural language processing

Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Computer graphics, computer vision, multimedia, computer games

Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG)

Human computer interaction and interface, visualisation

Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG)

Web and information systems, data management systems, information retrieval and digital libraries, data fusion

Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG)

Machine learning, statistical data processing and applications using signal processing (e.g. speech, image, video)

Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Scientific computing, simulation and modelling tools

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Bioinformatics, bio-inspired computing, and natural computing

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Quantum computing (formal methods, algorithms and other computer science aspects)

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Control engineering

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Electrical engineering: power components and/or systems

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET)

Simulation engineering and modelling

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG)

(Micro- and nano-) systems engineering

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

(Micro- and nano-) electronic, optoelectronic and photonic components

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Communication systems, wireless technology, high-frequency technology

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Signal processing

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Networks, e.g. communication networks and nodes, Internet of Things, sensor networks, networks of robots

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Man-machine interfaces

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET)


Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS)

Components and systems for applications (in e.g. medicine, biology, environment)

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Electrical energy production, distribution, applications

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Aerospace engineering

Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG)

Chemical engineering, technical chemistry

Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Civil engineering, architecture, offshore construction, lightweight construction, geotechnics

Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Computational engineering

Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG) Department of Mathematical Sciences (DISMA)

Fluid mechanics

Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Energy processes engineering

Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Mechanical engineering

Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG)

Materials engineering (biomaterials, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, etc.)

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG)

Materials engineering (metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, etc.)

Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG)

Propulsion engineering, e.g. hydraulic, turbo, piston, hybrid engines

Department of Energy (DENERG)

Production technology, process engineering

Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG)

Manufacturing engineering and industrial design

Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Environmental engineering, e.g. sustainable design, waste and water treatment, recycling, regeneration or recovery of compounds, carbon capture & storage

Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG) Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)

Naval/marine engineering

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS)

Industrial bioengineering

Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS) Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Automotive and rail engineering; multi-/inter-modal transport engineering

Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN) Department of Energy (DENERG) Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET) Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS)

Solar physics – the Sun and the heliosphere

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Cosmology and large-scale structure, dark matter, dark energy

Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

Gravitational wave astronomy

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (DET)