The HPC4AI infrastructure hub at Politecnico di Torino provides the University’s expertise in Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning and High Performance Computing (HPC). The infrastructure offers Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics and HPC services to provide a 360-degree service that includes the design, development and prototyping of artificial intelligence applications to accompany companies towards the use of these new technologies.
Main services
- Distributed Big Data processing and computing.
- Data analysis using Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques.
- Applications of Data Science approaches.
- Simulations and processing using GPUs and CPUs.
- Training of algorithms for Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning.
- High-performance parallel computing thanks to InfiniBand network and RDMA support
- Big Data computing cluster (SmartData@PoliTO) with over 1400 physical cores, 15 TB RAM, 8 PB storage, 6 nVidia V100 GPUs.
- HPC computing cluster (HPC@PoliTO) with over 2900 physical cores, 27 TB RAM, 256 TB storage, 32 nVidia V100 GPUs, 100Gb/s Infiniband EDR network.
- OpenStack cloud infrastructure cluster with 400 TB of storage, over 1500 physical cores and 9 TB of RAM, federated with Cloud Garr.
- Use by external users assisted by internal technical staff.
- Service provided by in-house staff without outside staff intervention.
SmartData@PoliTO Interdepartmental Centre
HPC@PoliTO Centre
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, Turin
The HPC4AI hub at Politecnico is part of a larger infrastructure, which includes equipment at the University of Turin.
Coordinator at the Politecnico di Torino
Marco Mellia
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