The GeoSciences IR project aims to create the Italian geosciences network, a new research infrastructure for the 'Italian Network of Geological Services' RISG, a co-ordination network between ISPRA, the Geological Survey of Italy, and the Regional Geological Services (RGS), i.e. the technical offices within the Regions, Autonomous Provinces and Regional Environmental Agencies.
GeoSciences will provide ISPRA and RGS with expertise and technical-scientific support on specific topics identified by the RGS as priorities. This objective will be mainly achieved through actions of technical-scientific knowledge transfer by Universities and Research Institutes recognised as excellences at the national level.
Politecnico will develop actions related to the implementation of information systems dedicated to the management of national geological resources.
The aim is to overcome the current fragmentation of data and expertise on geo-resources, especially on raw materials defined as critical by the European Commission. The current need to reactivate mining research is a first step to decrease the excessive dependence on raw material imports from increasingly unstable international markets, in order to build solid domestic supply chains and guarantee a secure and sustainable supply to Italian industry.
Politecnico will also be engaged in specific capacity-building activities to respond to environmental emergencies and related action plans through the Copernicus Services.
Coordinating Body: ISPRA - Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (Institute for Environmental Protection and Research)
Scientific coordinator at Politecnico di Torino: Giovanni Andrea Blengini, Department of Environmental, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI - Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Ambiente, del Territorio e delle Infrastrutture )
Politecnico di Torino Budget: Euro 681,590.00