For over 10 years the Politong project has been a unique opportunity to combine Politecnico education - at Bachelor’s level - with a one-year experience at a top University in Shanghai (Tongji University). Launched in 2006 by means of an agreement between Politecnico di Torino, Politecnico di Milano and Tongji University, the Politong project has been the first initiative of structured cooperation between Politecnico di Torino and a Chinese institution.
Up to the present, more than 1,000 students from Italy and China had the opportunity to take part into the programme. Politecnico di Torino and Tongji University have been partners in this programme since 2017.
After graduation, students can continue their studies taking a Master programme in Europe or in China, or else, they can decide to enter the job market, which nowadays increasingly recognizes the value of international experience, especially when made in regions such as China.
At present, the project involves two Bachelor programmes (MPE – Mechanical & Production Engineering and ICT – Information & Communication Technology), one Master programme (Eco Design), and a new double-degree Master programme in Civil Engineering, a top-ranked field for Tongji University.
Students who complete one of these Bachelor programmes, taking an extra semester at Tongji University in Shanghai award their degree both by Politecnico and by Tongji University.
Research and SICES
Research jointly conducted by Politecnico and Tongji University covers several disciplines, ranging from Civil Engineering to Sustainable Development. In particular, Politecnico coordinates the work of the SICES (Sino-Italian Center for Sustainability) scientific committee. The SICES manages Chinese-Italian cooperation on sustainability issues. It was founded by the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection and is based at Tongji University.