
Fill out the CPD questionnaire - I teaching period

Every year, Politecnico di Torino students and faculty are asked to fill out the questionnaires prepared by the Comitato Paritetico per la Didattica (CPD) for the evaluation of teaching: this is an important tool, useful to check the quality of the teaching provided by the University and the satisfaction of the PoliTO community.

For the I teaching period, 24/25 Academic Year, questionnaires can be filled out by students and faculty starting December 6.

As of this year, the questionnaire has been renewed in its design, in the revision and wording of the questions, and in the mode of delivery and return. A description of the new features can be found on this page (Italian only).

The evaluation of teaching is carried out through three tools: questionnaires measuring satisfaction, analysis of the Single Annual Study Course Data Sheets (SUA-CdS) and Study Course Review Reports. These elements are evaluated by the CPD, both overall and considering each Course of Study, to return to the University bodies, the faculty and the student community a summary of the satisfaction rate on the educational offerings.

The results are collected in an Annual Report, prepared each year before December 31st , as part of Self-Assessment, Evaluation and Accreditation process provided by ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research).

Starting from the a.y. 2019/20, CPD has also provided the end-of-course questionnaire, intended for those who are about to conclude their Level I or II education, in order to receive students' evaluations of some significant aspects of their stay at the University. CPD has planned from the winter session of the a.y. 2020/21 on an experimental basis to dispense the post-exam questionnaire, on a voluntary basis of the and the holders of the teachings.