Cultural Heritage in Context: Digital Technologies for the Humanities. “Digital Collaborative Engagement. Regenerating Cultural Natural Heritage” International Summer School

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The “Digital Collaborative Engagement. Regenerating Cultural Natural Heritage” International Summer School is part of the Cultural Heritage in Context: Digital Technologies for the Humanities series.

The Summer School is organized by the Politecnico di Torino (PoliTo) - Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST), H2020 RURITAGE European Research Project, UNESCO, and Cotsen Institute of Archaeology - University of Los Angeles, California (UCLA).  

The Summer School will take place at Castello del Valentino, Torino (UNESCO World Heritage site, and seat of PoliTo Architecture School) between 26th June - 2nd July, 2022

The intensive international summer school program will equip participants with skills to build collaborative digital projects in heritage knowledge co-shaping for regional development with the aim of engaging local stakeholders. The research training has a focus on tangible and intangible heritage types in large-scale context and composite cultural natural heritage sites (small towns, villages, cultural routes, rural areas, archaeological sites). 

Participants will explore how to shape and co-build information, data formats, and digital tools for tangible and intangible cultural natural heritage conceptualization, characterization, representation, and management (co-mapping and co-building methodologies, digital surveying, gamification). In addition, they will discuss the role of local communities and multiple stakeholders in determining the value of heritage and will develop projects for co-building heritage-led knowledge in local areas. Methodologies and Digital tools will be used to experience user engagement processes in European regions and beyond.  

The Summer School is directed by Rosa Tamborrino (PoliTo, DIST) and Willeke Wendrich (UCLA).

Application deadline: 16th May 2022.

For further information and to apply:
