The School


The Specializing Master's Programmes and Lifelong Learning School was established by Politecnico di Torino with its Statute dated 6th December 2011. Its primary objective is to promote, organize and manage the 1st and 2nd level Specializing Master's Programmes and Lifelong Learning Courses offered by Politecnico di Torino.

In close cooperation with public and private partners, the School identifies high-level technical training needs in order to boost the competencies acquired by students during traditional degree programmes. In response, the School offers a variety of training activities (1st and 2nd level Specializing Master's programmes, mid-long term Training Courses and Professional Development Courses), which address the changing requirements of the world of work and support students’ professional development.


The constitutional bodies of the School are the Director and the Council.

The Director is responsible for representing the School and determining its future direction.

The Council is the governing body of the School and is composed of one representative from each Department of the University.

DiretcorProf. Paolo NEIROTTI (DIGEP - Management and Production Engineering 

Members of the Council

Prof.ssa Valeria MINUCCIANI (DAD - Architecture and Design) 

Prof. Giovanni SQUILLERO (DAUIN - Control and Computer Engineering)

Prof. Alfonso CAPOZZOLI (DENERG - Energy)

Prof. Fabio DOVIS  (DET - Electronics and Telecommunications)

Prof. Paolo DABOVE (DIATI - Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering

Prof. Paolo Claudio PRIARONE (DIGEP - Management and Production Engineering)

Prof.ssa Micaela DEMICHELA (DISAT - Applied Sciences and Technology)

Prof. Amedeo MANUELLO BERTETTO (DISEG - Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering)

Prof.ssa Patrizia SEMERARO (DISMA - Mathematical Sciences)

Prof.ssa Manuela REBAUDENGO (DIST - Interuniversity Department of regional and Urban Studies and Planning)



The Unit of Specializing Master's Programmes, Lifelong Learning and Challenge is in charge of the operational organization and management of the activities:
