Career opportunities

This PhD programme has a transversal character and offers career opportunities in almost every branch of productive system. In particular, this include manufacturing industry, given its use of technology and design and its strong attention for organisation, supervision and management, along with safety conditions at workplace.

Another area of interest is financial-economic sector, given the PhD curriculum focusing on management and aiming at developing competences and improving the knowledge of students in this field. Banks, foundations, insurance companies, strategic and financial planning units in big companies are all potential future employers. All these sectors look for innovators and invite other companies and institutions to employ highly-qualified figures.

Another relevant sector is that of small or very small high-tech companies - usually university spin-off or research centres – requiring highly-qualified professionals, dealing with technological and managerial-economic aspects and representing the main source of innovation for those operating in a sector, where innovation is the watchword. In this context, another career opportunity is represented by the establishment of a company by PhD graduates who become self-employers and enterpreneurs.