Giulia Sammartano

Ph.D. in Beni Architettonici E Paesaggistici , 30th cycle (2014-2017)

Ph.D. obtained in 2018


Suitability of 3D dense models from rapid mapping strategies for Cultural Heritage documentation and conservation. Validation of metric and non-metric information extraction from integrated solutions.


Antonia Teresa Spano' Filiberto Chiabrando


Research interests

3d models
Digital cultural heritage
Digital photogrammetry
Geodatabase e gis
Laser scanner
Simultaneus localisation and mapping (slam based modeling)
Uav photogrammetry


Giulia Sammartano is an architect, PhD in Geomatics (SSD ICAR/06). She is researcher and assistant professor with time-contract (Rtd-B) at Department of Architecture and Desing. She cooperates with LabG4CH - Geomatics for Cultural Heritage and she is member of FULL - Future Urban Legacy Lab Interdepartmental Center at the POLITO. The research interests are devoted to generation and analysis of geospatial data for multi-sensor and user-oriented documentation purposes, at building and urban scales. Recent activities are related to experimentation of mobile portable sensors for 3D digitization in rapid mapping applications (seismic emergency, archaeology areas) and to the investigation of building and urban digital twin models design, in the features related to geometric and sematic components. The FULL affiliation consolidated a multi-scalar methodological approach applied to urban heritage and urban transformation analyses by means of geospatial data. She is part of DIRECT Team Polito for emergency surveying, and 2016 Polito Task Force post-earthquake mission. She participated at the Italian Archaeological Mission in Hierapolis of Phrygia in Turkey (MAIER) in 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2023 and in other archaeological missions in Bahrain Kingdom (2021) and Iraq (2022, 2023) She took part in the PRIN2015 (GamHer), PRIN2017-linea giovani (B4R), PRIN-PNRR2022 (REVHEAL). She is author of more than 50 scientific papers in peer review scientific journals, national and international proceedings and books chapters.

Scientific branch

CEAR-04/A - Geomatics
(Area 0008 - Civil engineering and architecture)

Awards and Honors


Collegi of the degree programmes


Master of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Bachelor of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati


Research projects

Projects funded by competitive calls


Last years publications

PoliTO co-authors

Works published during the Ph.D. View all publications in Porto@Iris

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