After graduation

You can continue your studies with a Master's degree programme; otherwise, you can work as a free-lancer or as Junior Territorial Planner, after passing the state examination f for professional practice (B section of the professional order of Architects, planners, landscape architects and conservators”), in public institutions and territorial government, technical consultancy and territorial management companies. The territorial planner - senior and junior - is a professional recognized at European and Italian level, thanks to the law reforming professions in 2001, with specific expertise as:

  • Collaborator in the production of urban, territorial, environmental and landscape plans at various scales
  • Collaborator in territorial and environmental analysis, evaluation and monitoring activities
  • Collaborator in the field of design, implementation and management integrated spatial and environment regeneration programs/projects
  • Designer and manager of GIS for urban and territorial analysis and management
  • Responsible of technical administrative procedures in the public administration