The experimental advanced training project “Technologies for Transitions” is aimed at training qualified engineering professionals to tackle the multidimensional challenges posed by the ecological transition (Green Technologies) and the digital and infrastructure transition (Digital Transition), issues that are of great strategic importance in the framework of the Next Generation EU.
(Video only in italian)
This project was tested in A.Y. 2022/23 and 2023/24 for some combinations among the following courses of study:
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Communications Engineering
- ICT for Smart Societies
- Chemical and Sustainable Processes Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Energy and Nuclear Engineering
Participants were able to select one of the following planned pathways:
1. Attainment of a double degree, acquired in 3 academic years through the definition of a specific plan of studies on the first Master's degree, allowing the second degree to be obtained in one year following credit transfer.
2. Inclusion in the curriculum of predefined teachings (free and additional credits) for the acquisition of specific skills of Smart Infrastructures or Green Technologies, which are explicitly described within the diploma supplement.