Jalolliddin Yusupov

Dottorato in Ingegneria Informatica E Dei Sistemi , 32o ciclo (2016-2019)

Dottorato concluso nel 2020


Formal assurance of security policies in automated network orchestration (SDN/NFV) (Abstract)


Riccardo Sisto

Presentazione della ricerca:

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Argomento di ricerca

Formal assurance of security policies in automated network orchestration (SDN/NFV)

Interessi di ricerca

Software engineering and Mobile computing


I graduated secondary school with an average score of 5 out of 5 and my favorite subjects were Mathematics, Geometry, Trigonometry, Physics, and Computer studies. I always had in mind to work on information technology since my father bought me my first personal computer. Since that day, I started to improve my skills in programming and, in general, in the Computer Engineering area. This also drove my following choices concerning my education. In 2009 I gained admission into Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU) and I won state scholarship grant to get my bachelor degree in Computer Engineering. During my Bachelor Degree studies in TTPU, my interests in computers got narrowed down to specific fields like networks, databases, and programming in general. After graduating, I had a chance to work as an assistant teacher in TTPU and gave a couple of lectures about C programming to 100 students in the Computer Science subject. In 2013 I again obtained a state scholarship to start my Master Degree (MD) in Politecnico di Torino, Italy. After obtaining my MD, again I have been involved in teaching activities in TTPU. This also increased my passion for teaching and led me to the final decision of applying for a Ph.D. position in Polito. My primary aspiration is, in fact, to become a professor in the future and work in the computer and control engineering field where I will be able to share my knowledge with the society while contributing to it. My research field in Ph.D. includes the area of computer networks like SDN, NFV and formal methods that aim to help hardware and software engineers build more reliable systems through model checking.



Corso di laurea magistrale

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Corso di laurea di 1° livello

  • Computer networks. A.A. 2018/19, INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA (COMPUTER ENGINEERING). Collaboratore del corso
MostraNascondi A.A. passati


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