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Unite! Seed Fund 2024

The Unite! Seed Fund aims to achieve the maximum potential of Unite! It is envisioned to provide financial support to innovative, co-creative and collaborative ideas from teachers, researchers and students across the Unite! alliance. The Seed Fund intends to support exploration and development of attractive and diverse activities and projects, to help secure either the additional funds for a project or to carry out cooperation on joint, ambitious and innovative ideas within the alliance.

The primary challenge faced by Unite! Seed Fund applicants has been finding potential international partners within the Unite! alliance. To address this, a virtual matchmaking event (available at this link) has been scheduled for 16 February 2024, from 2,00 pm to 4,00 pm, offering a unique opportunity to connect with potential partners. This virtual matchmaking event aims to foster meaningful collaborations, paving the way for more Unite! projects to become a reality. During the meeting, you will have the opportunity to meet potential Unite! partners in breakout rooms (1 breakout room per project idea). The event will cover all three funding lines (Student Activities, Teaching & Learning, Research & PhD). It is open to the entire Unite! community (teaching staff, teaching and learning units, researchers and research Units, students and student associations).
If you have a project idea you would like to present, please send a short abstract (100 words) as well as your contact details to no later than 11 February 2024.

View all the Unite! Seed Fund 2024 project abstracts

Submission guidelines for Seed Fund projects: applications can be submitted until 15 March 2024 via email to