Navi cargo
Lun 24 Giu
Seminari e Convegni

Maritime traffic and cybersecurity

The event "Maritime Traffic and Cybersecurity" is part of the seminar series Digital Mare Nostrum and will take place on the 24th of June 2024, at 2:00 pm CET (Networking light lunch at 1:00 pm CET).

The Mediterranean Sea is increasingly at the centre of economic and strategic interests. Its ports, the various ships that ply its waters, and the goods that pass through its many routes are more and more part of our digital society, with the growing use of data and ICT systems to manage and optimise a range of tasks. Against the benefits of this technological change, a number of threats to the civil and military security of the maritime space are emerging in terms of vulnerability to cyber-attacks on data, vessels and critical infrastructure, as well as cybercriminal activities.

The Jean Monnet Chair on Mediterranean Digital Societies & Law of the Politecnico di Torino, the CRITERIA project, and the Department of Information Policy and Governance at the University of Malta are co-organising a symposium on the various aspects of maritime security in the Mediterranean region.
Through an interdisciplinary dialogue, we aim to shed light on this under-explored aspect of digital societies.

Opening address
  • Joe Cannataci, Head, Department of Information Policy & Governance, University of Malta and Co-Director of the STeP Research Group, University of Groningen
  • Alessandro Mantelero, Associate Professor of Private Law and Law & Technology and EU Jean Monnet Chair in Mediterranean Digital Societies & Law, Polytechnic University of Turin

  • Alessandro Politi, NATO Defense College Foundation, Director
  • Sanja Bauk, TalTech - Tallinn University of Technology, Research Professor
  • Brig. Clinton O'Neill, Commander of the Armed Forces of Malta
  • Ann Fenech, The Comité Maritime International, President
  • Christopher Aquilina, Malta Financial Services Authority, Deputy Head
  • Q&A and discussion

How to participate
  • In-person: Valletta Campus Room 103 of University of Malta (St. Paul's Street, VLT1216 Valletta, Central Region, Valletta, Malta Xlokk).
    Due to limited seating, registration is mandatory to attend the in-person seminar.
    Please write to Samantha Esposito ( for your registration.
  • Streaming: follow the seminar at this link. Please join with your microphones muted.