Open access
Ven 14 Giu
Seminari e Convegni

Open Science: producing knowledge that is reliable, replicable, usable and fair to all

Il 14 giugno nella Biblioteca centrale di ingegneria, il professor Jean-Claude Guédon, dell'Université de Montréal (Canada), terrà un seminario "Open Science: producing knowledge that is reliable, replicable, usable and fair to all".

Il seminario è organizzato dal Centro studi su Scienza aperta e dal Centro Nexa in collaborazione col Sistema bibliotecario.

Jean-Claude Guédon è professore onorario (in pensione) dell'Università di Montréal (Canada) con una formazione di base in storia della scienza. Ha svolto ricerche sull'editoria elettronica e sul movimento Open access. Tra i firmatari originali della Budapest Open access initiative, ha lavorato al miglioramento della comunicazione e dell'editoria scientifica in un'ampia varietà di contesti (UNESCO, ONU, Commissione europea, ANR in Francia, Redalyc in Messico, SciELO in Brasile).

“Open Science” has emerged as an enriched vision of “Open Access” to scholarly literature. It covers not only publications, but also data, software, algorithms, models and methodologies. It also reaches beyond specialist circles to bring support to schools, to policy-oriented civil servants, and to the public at large. In the latter case, not only is the general public invited to access the best forms of knowledge, but it can also participate in some research efforts (citizen science). All these points will be examined in the seminar, but they will be debated against a deeper backdrop that needs to be foregrounded and made as visible as possible: for humanity, producing the best knowledge humanity is a fundamental objective. The perception of knowledge has been disrupted by a number of factors, some technological, other political. In this regard, the twenty-first century begins to bear some analogies with the 16th century when the deployment of the printing press led to a complete upheaval of the political economy of document production and circulation. If this comparison has any value, we must then remember that the 16th century has been characterized as an age of skepticism, and the “Thirty Year War” is as much a tragedy about knowledge as it was a conflict about religion. There may be lessons for us in that century. Knowledge production has been deeply transformed in the last third of the twentieth century. The rising power of commercial publishers in scholarly publishing has been accompanied by a system where the intense competition of journals for market shares has also translated into a hyper-competitive atmosphere among scientists and scholars. The negative consequences of this state of affairs have been pointed out and analyzed: cheating, plagiarizing, etc. Studies have shown, for example, that, as journals enjoy higher impact factors, they also retract more articles. Open Science is about calming down this hyper-competitive atmosphere, about encouraging collaboration, about making it easier for interested individuals to be included and to enter into the “Great Conversation” upon which the production of knowledge, in the last analysis rests. In conclusion, open science seeks to reposition knowledge within our societies with the objective of protecting its evolution from factors susceptible of perverting its basic objective – knowledge. It also sees knowledge as a common for humanity.

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