Gio 14 Mar
Seminari e Convegni

Combining EPC databases with other sources for holistic assessment of the building stock

The TIMEPAC project, funded by the European Union, is proud to announce the launch of the TIMEPAC Academy, an innovative learning platform designed to shape Europe's new energy performance landscape.

As we strive to meet ambitious climate targets and tackle energy poverty, the TIMEPAC Academy invites building experts across Europe to enhance their knowledge of certification methods, tools, and training necessary to support the renovation of Europe’s building stock. In alignment with the upcoming European Union’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), TIMEPAC is dedicated to fostering a comprehensive approach to building assessment and certification. The TIMEPAC Academy is a free learning platform committed to providing industry professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in evaluating and certifying building energy performance.

The inaugural series of six training webinars will cover a range of topics essential for professionals in the building sector to understand how building certification can be improved, and enhanced. These webinars are tailored for certifiers, energy auditors, architects, engineers, energy managers, facility managers, energy agencies, and local public authorities, offering insights into the latest developments in the EPBD and key energy-saving techniques.

The fourth of six training webinanrs is titled "Combining EPC databases with other sources for holistic assessment of the building stock" and will be held on Thursday, 14 March 2024.

The upcoming recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) outlines a pathway to achieve a decarbonised building stock by 2050. One of its objectives is that new buildings achieve zero emission status by 2030, compelling Member States to develop national plans for reducing primary energy consumption. In this context, energy performance certificates (EPCs) can play an instrumental role in assessing building performance and implementing large scale rehabilitation programmes.

During this webinar, we will explore the potential of utilizing open data from EPCs in Catalonia to enhance their effectiveness as tools for building renovation. We will delve into how the TIMEPAC project has analyzed information from this registry, identifying unreliable data and grouping buildings based on characteristics such as climatic zone, use, and year of construction in order to create representative archetypes of the building stock. In the absence of data on all buildings, these archetypes serve as a valuable tool to extrapolate their characteristics to the building stock. This enables the assessment of the impact of large-scale rehabilitation measures, ensuring compliance with the EPBD objectives.

Program of the day:
  • Welcome: Leandro Madrazo (La Salle-URL)
  • 1° Session | Challenges of the new energy performance of buildings directive: Silvio De Nigris (Regione Piemonte)
  • 2° Session | Querying open data about EPCs: Ainhoa Mata (ICAEN)
  • 3° Session | Quality assessment of the EPC database: Álvaro Sicilia (La Salle-URL) and Ainhoa Mata (ICAEN)
  • 4° Session | EPC data combination for multi-dimensional analysis: Leandro Madrazo and Adirane Calvo (La Salle-URL)
  • 5° Session | Advanced analysis of EPC data as a support tool for local, regional and national energy planning: Álvaro Sicilia (La Salle-URL)
  • Discussion and closing remarks: Leandro Madrazo (La Salle-URL)
For more information on the webinar please refer to the training program and visit the TIMEPAC Academy website to register, or write at this email of Leandro Madrazo.

The consortium has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 101033819 as part of the call “LC-SC3-B4E-4-2020 – Next-generation of Energy Performance Assessment and Certification”.