Lun 26 Feb
Seminari e Convegni

Empowering data owners with control in outsourcing and sharing scenarios

Supporting data owners in maintaining full control over their data is a key requirement in scenarios characterized by outsourcing and/or sharing. Not only does it facilitate compliance with regulations and ethical standards - it can also serve as an enabler for a wider and safer usage of current ICT paradigms. To this end, the problems to be addressed include the definition of friendly models and techniques for regulating access and use of outsourced data, and the assessment of the privacy risks entailed by sharing/outsourcing user-generated content that may include or reveal sensitive information, possibly through explainable mechanisms.
In this talk, Giovanni Livraga will discuss recent research lines aimed at devising solutions for enabling collaborative and distributed query execution with the controlled involvement of cloud providers that might be not fully trusted to access the data content, and for assessing and quantifying privacy risks connected to the release of user-generated content on complex networks such as those provided by online social media applications.

Presenter: Giovanni Livraga


Giovanni Livraga is an Associate Professor at the Università degli Studi di Milano, where he is affiliated with the Computer Science Department. His PhD thesis in Computer Science from UniMi received the ERCIM STM WG 2015 award. His research interests are in the area of data protection, privacy and security, in release, outsourcing and emerging scenarios. He authored the book “Protecting Privacy in Data Release”, Springer, 2015. He is currently coordinating the UNIMI research unit within the KURAMi research project, and has been involved in several international research projects funded by the EC.

Event organised by SmartData@PoliTO center.