Da 21 Feb
Seminari e Convegni

Critical Legal Geography

The First Critical Legal Geography Conference brings together transdisciplinary scholars to discuss the mutual constitution of space and law, broadly conceived. The conference will be an inclusive and dialogical meeting, with a relaxed discussion and exchange of ideas.

The conference will be the first of a series of annual meetings on critical legal geography. The PhD Workshop “Explorations in Critical Legal Geographies” is also an integral part of the conference: the workshop brings together 15 PhD students with a variety of backgrounds (legal, geographical, political, sociological, anthropological, urban studies), whose doctoral thesis speaks to critical legal-geographical debates. The workshop offers participants a forum to contribute to their research development in a cross/transdisciplinary manner and opportunity to create synergies across the legal-geographical spectrum.

Steering committee: Francesco Chiodelli (Università di Torino); Daniela Morpurgo (Politecnico); Giulia Massenz (Politecnico); Giacomo Pettenati (University of Eastern Piedmont); Voltaire Alvarado (University of Concepción); Tugba Basaran (University of Cambridge); Hadeel Abu Hussein (Utrecht University); Alexandre “Sandy” Kedar (University of Haifa); Austin Kocher (Syracuse University); Gail Lythgoe (University of Edinburgh); Elya Milner (Technical University of Berlin); Matteo Nicolini (University of Verona); Andrea Pavoni (University Institute of Lisbon)

Local organizing committee: Francesco Chiodelli (Università di Torino); Daniela Morpurgo (Politecnico); Giulia Massenz (Politecnico)

The conference is supported by the Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning - DIST of the Politecnico and Università di Torino and the Future Urban Legacy Lab - FULL of the Politecnico.