Seminari e Convegni
Mechanics, properties and high resolution characterization of surface
From 15 to 18 May 2023, the PhD Excellence Course entitled "Mechanics, properties and high resolution characterisation of surfaces", held by Professor Don A. Lucca - Regents Professor and Herrington Chair in Advanced Materials at Oklahoma State University, will be held in Classroom DIFIS 2 of the Politecnico.
Course outiline
The course will be 20 hours which will include lectures and student work outside of class. It will be given over a period of 4 days. It will be divided, approximately equally, between Part 1 which will cover the mathematical foundations for the field of surface mechanics, and Part 2 which will give an overview of various experimental tools which are used for high resolution characterization of the mechanical, structural, chemical and optical properties of surfaces.
Don A. Lucca is Regents Professor and Herrington Chair in Advanced Materials in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Oklahoma State University, and Guest Scientist in the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He received his degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell (BS), Princeton (MSE), and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (PhD). Professor Lucca is a Fellow of CIRP, SME, and ASME, and has received several awards and honors for his research in ion-solid interactions. He has authored over 165 scientific publications and served as President of CIRP in 2017-2018. He was recently elected to the German National Academy of Science and Engineering
Interested PhD students outside Politecnico should send an e-mail to Professor Gianfranco Genta (gianfranco.genta@polito.it). Politecnico PhD students can add the course to their Hard Skills courses.
Course organised by the Department of Management and Production Engineering - DIGEP of the Politecnico.
Course outiline
The course will be 20 hours which will include lectures and student work outside of class. It will be given over a period of 4 days. It will be divided, approximately equally, between Part 1 which will cover the mathematical foundations for the field of surface mechanics, and Part 2 which will give an overview of various experimental tools which are used for high resolution characterization of the mechanical, structural, chemical and optical properties of surfaces.
Don A. Lucca is Regents Professor and Herrington Chair in Advanced Materials in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Oklahoma State University, and Guest Scientist in the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He received his degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell (BS), Princeton (MSE), and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (PhD). Professor Lucca is a Fellow of CIRP, SME, and ASME, and has received several awards and honors for his research in ion-solid interactions. He has authored over 165 scientific publications and served as President of CIRP in 2017-2018. He was recently elected to the German National Academy of Science and Engineering
Interested PhD students outside Politecnico should send an e-mail to Professor Gianfranco Genta (gianfranco.genta@polito.it). Politecnico PhD students can add the course to their Hard Skills courses.
Course organised by the Department of Management and Production Engineering - DIGEP of the Politecnico.