Mer 15 Mar
Seminari e Convegni

Walk’n’Roll Cities

Today’s car-domination in our cities has a wide range of adverse consequences, negatively affecting the quality of life of citizens. The presentation will show visions and interventions that could contribute to massive reduction of car use in our cities.

Among the discussed topics will be the following:
  • The 15-minute city;
  • Pedestrian priority;
  • Tempo 30;
  • Parking management;
  • From highways to boulevards;
  • Superblock;
  • School streets;
Speaker: Iván Tosics - Metropolitan Research Institute, Budapest.
Moderator: Luca Staricco - Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning - DIST, Politecnico di Torino.

For more information contact: elisabetta.vitale@polito.it.