STOREandGO - LCE-09-2015
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This proposal is an application to the EU programme Horizon 2020 and its topic Large scale energy storage (LCE-09-2015). The presented project STORE&GO will demonstrate three innovative Power to Gas storage concepts at locations in Germany, Switzerland and Italy in order to overcome technical, economic, social and legal barriers. The demonstration will pave the way for an integration of PtG storage into flexible energy supply and distribution systems with a high share of renewable energy. Using methanation processes as bridging technologies, it will demonstrate and investigate in which way these innovative PtG concepts will be able to solve the main problems of renewable energies: fluctuating production of renewable energies; consideration of renewables as suboptimal power grid infrastructure; expensive; missing storage solutions for renewable power at the local, national and European level. At the same time PtG concepts will contribute in maintaining natural gas or SNG with an existing huge European infrastructure and an already advantageous and continuously improving environmental footprint as an important primary/secondary energy carrier, which is nowadays in doubt due to geo-political reasons/conflicts. So, STORE&GO will show that new PtG concepts can bridge the gaps associated with renewable energies and security of energy supply. STORE&GO will rise the acceptance in the public for renewable energy technologies in the demonstration of bridging technologies at three living best practice locations in Europe.
Strutture coinvolte
Costo totale progetto: | € 22.290.144,75 |
Contributo totale progetto: | € 17.937.358,63 |
Costo totale PoliTo: | € 1.239.455,00 |
Contributo PoliTo: | € 1.239.455,00 |