DEMONSTRATE - Modal diversion, co-modality and technology applications in passenger transport systems
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The study object of the present research is modal diversion and co-modality in the passenger transport sector. The point of view that we adopt to operationalise such concepts is to focus on the behavioural change issue concerning the use of different transport modes, when both a set of new technology options and different regulatory and marketing actions are implemented. More precisely, we would like to better clarify the relationship between behavioural changes in terms of modal diversion and the range of possible interventions that can be implemented in different disciplinary ambits. It has in fact been observed that combining transport policy measures of different kind but targeting the same goal has a multiplicative rather than an addictive effect. This will allow us to find the “optimal” and “feasible” co-modality in a given situation. To achieve this goal, we consider a set of policy measures and transport services, with special emphasis on those enabled by new technology applications such as the shared use of vehicles, and we foresee a mixed mobility and attitudinal surveys whose results will be analysed through a new structural equations modelling framework. We believe that this new approach will allow for a significant advance in the study of the mode switch issue, thus contributing to a leap in the state of the art in related research fields. The final outcome of the research will be the availability of a new and powerful decision support policy tool to maximise modal diversion and practically define the optimal co-modality, through the synergetic effect that can be obtained by coordinating appropriate policy and regulatory actions, the use of new technologies and appropriate interventions on the territory. This tool will also allow the analyst to evaluate related implementation costs needed to reach the optimal co-modality and to compare them with expected benefits.
Persone coinvolte
- Francesco Paolo Deflorio (Personale interno di riferimento)
- Marco Diana (Responsabile Scientifico)
Strutture coinvolte
Costo totale PoliTo: | € 121.000,00 |
Contributo PoliTo: | € 121.000,00 |