Vincenzo Mallemaci

Foto di Vincenzo Mallemaci

Dottorando in Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni , 36o ciclo (2020-2023)
Dipartimento Energia (DENERG)

Assegnista di Ricerca
Dipartimento Energia (DENERG)


Dottorato di ricerca

Titolo della tesi

Next Generation Grid-Tied Inverters with Virtual Synchronous Machine Features for Grid Services and Grid Support

Argomento di ricerca

Advanced control solutions for grid-connected inverters for integration of renewable energy sources


Interessi di ricerca

Power systems, Power converters, Electrical machines and drives


I lived and studied in Barcellona P.G., a small town in Sicily, until September of 2015. Then, I moved to Turin to study Electrical Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino. In 2018 I completed this first path and I have enrolled in M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering.
In 2020 I earned the master degree with the final grade 110 with honour and a master thesis titled "Comparison of Models and Implementation of Virtual Synchronous Generators". The thesis dealt with the control of grid-connected inverters applying the novel concept of Virtual Synchronous Generator (VSG), a different approach useful to facilitate the penetration of renewable energy sources into the electric system. I implemented and compared the solutions proposed in literature, actuating experimental tests at the laboratory of the Power Electronics Innovation Center (PEIC). For my master thesis I won the prize "Premio di Laurea Borio 2020", awarded by Collegio Einaudi.
The interest on renewable energy sources and power electronics led me to apply for the Ph.D. course in Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering. The course started on 1 November 2020 and my scholarship is titled “Next Generation Inverters for Energy Production”. The aim of my Ph.D. project is to propose and investigate advanced control solutions for grid-connected inverters for fulfilment of the next generation of grid codes for integration of renewable energy sources. In particular, the focus will be on the development of control strategies that integrate the VSG control concept to provide grid services.

Premi e riconoscimenti

  • Premio di Laurea “Ermanno Borio” 2020 (2022)
  • Premio CEI - Miglior Tesi di Laurea 2021 (2022)


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