Dottoranda in Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni , 37o ciclo (2021-2024)
Dipartimento Energia (DENERG)
Dottorato di ricerca
Argomento di ricerca
Sviluppo di tecniche modulari per il controllo di coppia di macchine sincrone multi-trifase
Interessi di ricerca
I am currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering with the Dipartimento Energia "G. Ferraris," Politecnico di Torino.
My research interests include modeling and control of multiphase electrical machines, high-performance ac motor drives, and power electronics.
The main topic of my reseach is the development of multiphase modular torque control strategies for multi-three phase synchronous motors, together with the assesment of models of multiphase machines.
Pubblicazioni più recenti Vedi tutte le pubblicazioni su Porto@Iris
- Tolosano, L.; Rubino, S.; Bojoi, R. (2024)
A Comprehensive Voltage-Behind-Reactance Model of Twelve-Phase Synchronous Motors. In: 22nd IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2024, Porto, 2024, pp. 1246-1251. ISBN: 979-8-3503-8702-5
Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding) - Giuffrida, S.; Tolosano, L.; Mandrile, F.; Romano, C.; Tranchero, M.; Bojoi, R. (2024)
Fast simulator with inverter temperature estimation for traction eDrives in vehicles subjected to driving cycles. In: PCIM Europe 2024; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, pp. 248-253
Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding) - Rubino, Sandro; Mandrile, Fabio; Tolosano, Luisa; Armando, Eric; Bojoi, Radu (2023)
An Experimental Test Procedure for Magnetic Model Identification of Multi-Three-Phase Induction Motors. In: 2023 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC), San Francisco, CA, USA, 15-18 May 2023, pp. 1-7. ISBN: 979-8-3503-9899-1
Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding) - Rubino, Sandro; Tolosano, Luisa; Mandrile, Fabio; Ferrari, Simone; Armando, Eric; Bojoi, ... (2023)
Magnetic Model Identification of Multi-Three-Phase Synchronous Motors. In: 2023 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Nashville, TN, USA, 29 October 2023 - 02 November 2023, pp. 4775-4782. ISBN: 979-8-3503-1644-5
Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding) - Tolosano, Luisa; Armando, Eric; Rubino, Sandro; Mandrile, Fabio; Bojoi, Radu (2023)
Modular Torque Control of Multi-Three-Phase Synchronous Motor Drives. In: 2023 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Nashville, TN, USA, 29 October 2023 - 02 November 2023, pp. 4742-4749. ISBN: 979-8-3503-1644-5
Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Società e imprese
Brevetti e altre proprietà intellettuali
Inventori: Eric Giacomo Armando Iustin Radu Bojoi Fabio Mandrile Sandro Rubino Luisa Tolosano