Ezgi Nur Guengoer

Ph.D. candidate in Architettura. Storia E Progetto , 39th cycle (2023-2026)
Department of Architecture and Design (DAD)

Docente esterno e/o collaboratore didattico
Department of Architecture and Design (DAD)



Research topic

Navigating Porosity: Redefining Urban Morphological Tools in the Context of Water Interstices


Research interests

Urban Morphology


Ezgi Nur Güngör is a PhD candidate in the Department of Architecture and Design at Politecnico di Torino. She holds a bachelor's (2019) and master's degree (2022) in architecture from Bilkent University, where she also assisted in teaching architectural design studios. Her master's thesis, Archipelago as a Tool to Study Urban Form, critically examined the categorization of urban typologies in Ankara. Her PhD research, Navigating Porosity: Redefining Urban Morphological Tools in the Context of Water Interstices, explores speculative urbanization along water interstices. Her interests include urban morphology, architectural typology, and waterfront cities, with a focus on porosity.



Master of Science