Alberto De Marco

Full Professor (L. 240)
Department of Management and Production Engineering (DIGEP)

  • Member of Interdepartmental Center SISCON - Safety of Infrastructures and Constructions
  • Time&Cost Program Management Advisor


Research interests

Construction management
Project finance
Project management
Project risk management
Public private partnership

Scientific branch

IIND-05/A - Industrial Mechanical Plants
(Area 0009 - Industrial and information engineering)

Research topics

  • Future trends in Project Management The research programme aims to contribute developing methods and tools for the evolution of the Project Management discipline in various industrial, service and infrastructure sectors. The programme places emphasis to economic and financial assessment, financing of public-private partnerships, planning, scheduling, monitoring and control of project time and cost performance using data-driven analysis and decision support methods and artificial intelligence tools.
  • Smart City Finance & Technology The research program aims to analyze value creation, business models, and financing mechanisms for technologies and innovation of Smart Cities. The program is mainly involved in cataloging and categorizing projects, researching best practices and trends, evaluating development policies, connecting European and international directions, estimating potential return, and stimulating entrepreneurship. The program is directed to facilitate combination of the various involved disciplines and technological domains and enables matching between supply and demand of technologies and services for Smart Cities. It also aims to study the business models of involved players, innovative forms of financing to guide the development of smart cities, the contract mechanisms between public and private players, design and simulation of mobility and logistics systems for policy making.


ERC sectors

PE8_3 - Civil engineering, architecture, maritime/hydraulic engineering, geotechnics, waste treatment
PE8_10 - Industrial design (product design, ergonomics, man-machine interfaces, etc.)
PE8_9 - Production technology, process engineering


Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities


  • Founding partner - System Dynamics Society Italian Chapter, Italia (2017-)
  • Effective member - Project Management Institute, Stati Uniti (2015-)

Other research or teaching roles outside Politecnico

  • Professore a contratto, presso Tongji University (28/4/2014-13/6/2014)
  • Professore a contratto, presso Tongji University (3/5/2011-4/6/2011)
  • Professore a contratto, presso Tongji University (3/5/2010-25/6/2010)
  • Visiting Professor, presso Massachusetts Institute of Technology (20/6/2005-30/6/2006)

Non-commercial collaboration agreements


Collegi of the PhD programmes

    Politecnico di TORINO
  • GESTIONE, PRODUZIONE E DESIGN, 2021/2022 (38. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • GESTIONE, PRODUZIONE E DESIGN, 2020/2021 (37. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • GESTIONE, PRODUZIONE E DESIGN, 2019/2020 (36. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • GESTIONE, PRODUZIONE E DESIGN, 2018/2019 (35. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • GESTIONE, PRODUZIONE E DESIGN, 2017/2018 (34. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • GESTIONE, PRODUZIONE E DESIGN, 2016/2017 (33. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • GESTIONE, PRODUZIONE E DESIGN, 2015/2016 (32. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • GESTIONE, PRODUZIONE E DESIGN, 2014/2015 (31. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
  • GESTIONE, PRODUZIONE E DESIGN, 2012/2013 (29. ciclo)
    Politecnico di TORINO
    Politecnico di TORINO
    Politecnico di TORINO
    Politecnico di TORINO
    Politecnico di TORINO
MostraNascondi collegi passati

Collegi of the degree programmes



MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Master of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Bachelor of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Teaching and training projects

Projects funded by competitive calls

Projects funded by commercial contracts

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Other activities and projects related to teaching


06/2005 – 06/2006. Teaching appointment as a Visiting Lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept. part of the Engineering Systems Division. In charge of the Project Management course (Course 1.040 / 1.401J / ESD.018J), 150 hours of in-class lectures. He was also involved in the Research Center for Technology and Development directed by Professor F. Moavenzadeh and collaborated with the Center for Transportation and Logistics directed by Professor Y. Sheffi.

04/2010 – 06/2010. Teaching appointment at the Sino-Italian Campus at the Tongji University, Shanghai (China), Fundamentals of Industrial Plants and Economics for Engineering undergraduate courses, B.Sc. Degree in Mechanical and Production Engineering, 100 hours of in-class teaching.

04/2011 – 06/2011. Teaching appointment at the Sino-Italian Campus at the Tongji University, Shanghai (China), Fundamentals of Industrial Plants and Economics for Engineering undergraduate courses, B.Sc. Degree in Mechanical and Production Engineering, 100 hours of in-class teaching.

04/2014 – 06/2014. Teaching appointment at the Sino-Italian Campus at the Tongji University, Shanghai (China), Fundamentals of Industrial Plants and Economics for Engineering undergraduate courses, B.Sc. Degree in Mechanical and Production Engineering, 100 hours of in-class teaching.

05/2015 – 06/2015. Teaching appointment at the Sino-Italian Campus at the Tongji University, Shanghai (China), Fundamentals of Industrial Plants undergraduate courses, B.Sc. Degree in Mechanical and Production Engineering, 50 hours of in-class teaching.

04/2013 – 06/2013. Teaching appointment at the Turin Tashkent Polytechnic University in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). Industrial Plants and Project Management course.

04/1015 – 06/2015. Visiting Professor at the Tongji University, Shanghai, China

07/2015. Visiting Lecturer at the INSA Institut des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon. Summer Program in European Perspectives in Engineering and Innovation, 7-10/07, Erasmus+ Grant

02/2016 – 03/2016. Visiting Professor at the KBTU Kazakh British Technical University of Almaty, Kazakhstan. Course of Project Planning, Execution and Control.

05/2016 – 06/2016. Invited Visiting Scholar with the Dept. of Construction Management at the University of Washinghton, Seatlle, WA, USA.

04/2017 – 06/2017. Teaching appointment at the Turin Tashkent Polytechnic University in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). Industrial Plants and Project Management course.

04/2018 – 06/2018. Teaching appointment at the Turin Tashkent Polytechnic University in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). Industrial Plants and Project Management course.


Bachelor Level

2004/05 – 2009/10. Free University of Bolzano-Bozen, Bachelor of Science Degree Program in Logistics and Production Engineering. Project Management course, Adjoint Professor, 5 credits, given in English.

2009/10 – 2010/11. Politecnico di Torino, B.Sc. Degree Program in Logistics and Production. Impianti Industriali course, Teaching Assistant for exercise hours.

Since 2008/09. Politecnico di Torino. Supervision to 45 B.Sc. final projects and theses.

Master Level

2003/04, 2004/05 e 2006/07. Politecnico di Torino, Master of Science Degree Program in Ingegneria Gestionale. Gestione dei Progetti course, given by Professor Carlo Rafele, Teaching Assistant for exercise hours.

Since 2007/08. Politecnico di Torino, M.Sc. Degree Program in Engineering & Management. Project Management course, Tenured Professor, given in English, 8 credits.

2010/11. Politecnico di Torino, M.Sc. Degree Program in Automotive Engineering. Industrial Plants course, Tenured Professor, given in English, 5 credits.

Since 2011/12. Politecnico di Torino, M.Sc. Degree Program in Automotive Engineering. Plants and Manufacturing Systems course, Tenured Professor, given in English, 4 credits.

Since 2007/08. Politecnico di Torino. Supervisor to more than 120 M.Sc. theses in Engineering and Management.

Since 2010/11. ASP Alta Scuola Politecnica (a joint venture between Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino). Academic tutor in the following projects: Exp-Host coordinated by Professor Morandi (PoliMi), Digital Logistics by Professor Rafele (PoliTo), E-Scape by Professor Rolando (PoliMi), Smart-Map by Professor Contin (PoliMi), E – MOD Electric Mobility Development in Italy: a multidisciplinary evaluation by Mario Grosso (PoliMi). In 2018 coordinator of the “Future Mobility” project in collaboration with the School of Entrepreneurship & Innovation.

Since 2014/15. Politecnico di Torino, M.Sc. Degree Program in Ingegneria Gestionale. Gestione dei Progetti course, Tenured Professor, given in Italian, 8 credits.

2019/20. ESCP Europe Business School. Master in Management. Operations Management Course.

PhD Level

2007/08 – 2011/12. Politecnico di Torino, Doctoral School, PhD Program in Production Systems and Industrial Design. Complexity in Organized Systems course by prof. Carlo Rafele, Assistant Lecturer, given in English, 4 credits.

Since 2010/11. Politecnico di Torino, Doctoral School, Faculty Member of the PhD Program in Production Systems and Industrial Design.

Since 2012/13. Politecnico di Torino, Doctoral School, PhD Program in Production Systems and Industrial Design. System Dynamics Modeling for Management course, Tenured Professor, given in English, 3 credits.

2012/13. Politecnico di Torino, Doctoral School, PhD Program in Production Systems and Industrial Design. Member of the student admission and evaluation committee.

Since 2015/16. Project Management course.

Postgraduate and Executive Level

2002/03 – 2003/04. COREP, Consorzio per la Ricerca e l'Educazione Permanente. 2nd Level Specializing Master in Facilities Management for Real Estate. Project Management course.

2003/04. Politecnico di Torino, Dept. Building and Territorial Systems. Executive Program for Construction Engineers. Project Management course.

2004/05 and 2007/08. COREP, Corso di Alta Formazione per lo Sviluppo di Competenze Manageriali ed Imprenditoriali di Responsabili e Quadri Direttivi delle Cooperative Sociali Piemontesi. Project Management course.

2006/07. Politecnico di Torino, 2nd Level Specializing Master in Management of the Automotive After-Market. Logistics course.

2007/08. Politecnico di Torino, International 2nd Level Specializing Master in System Design Culture. Project Dynamics course, given in English.

2009/10. Politecnico di Torino, 2nd Level Specializing Master in Management Development in International Business. Advanced Project Management course, given in English.

2007/08. COREP, Corso di Specializzazione Professionale per Progettista di Sistemi Informativi. Project Management course.

Since 2008/09. SAA Scuola di Amministrazione Aziendale of the Università degli Studi di Torino. 1st Level Specializing Master in Management del Patrimonio Immobiliare. Project and Construction Management course.

2007/08 – 2008/09. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Alta Scuola Impresa e Società, Milano. International Master in New Markets and Europe. Project Management course, given in English.

Since 2009/10. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, ALTIS Alta Scuola Impresa e Società, Milan. Master in Strategic Management for Global Business (formerly MBA in Business Administration in Global Business and Sustainability), Appointed Professor for the Project Management and Operations Management courses, given in English.

2010/11. Free University of Bolzano-Bozen, 1st Level Specializing Master in Innovation Engineering, Project Management course.

2011/12. Politecnico di Torino. 1st Level Specializing Master in Product Lifecycle Management, Project Management course.

Since 2010/11. SAFM Scuola di Alta Formazione al Management, MBA Collége des Ingénieurs Italia, Torino, Project Management course.

Since 2012/13. Collége des Ingénieur, MBA, Paris. Advanced Project Management, given in English.

2012/13. Politecnico di Torino. 2nd Level Specializing Master in Industrial Automation in collaboration with Comau SpA. Procurement, Contracts, and Purchase Orders units, given in English.

Since 2011/12. International Training Center of the U.N. International Labor Office. Master in Public Procurement for Sustainable Development. Lectures in Public-Private Partnership and Project Finance. Participants: Central Public Procurement Offices and Line Ministries from various regions of the world.

2012/13. International Training Center of the UN ILO. Master in PP Management for Sustainable Development in Kigali (Rwanda). Lectures in Public Private Partnership, given in English.

Since 2013/14. Politecnico di Torino, 2nd Level Specializing Master in Oil Exploration&Operations, Logistics course given in English. Lectures in Procurement management and Supervisor of the Logistics Project Work

2011/12. Venice International University, Sino-Italian Advanced Training Program on Environmental Management and Sustainable Development. Lectures on Management of the Smart City.

2012/2013. Università degli Studi di Torino. Department of Management. Course of Project Management within the program The Challenge of Project Management in the Automotive Industry

Since 2014. ANCI Scuola Giovani Amministratori dei Comuni Italiani (School of Young Politicians of the Italian Municipalites) in Rome. Lectures in Public-Private Partnership and Project Work Coordinator.

2016. Lecture for the executive course in Sustainable Mobility financed by INPS.

Since 2015/16. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, Alta Scuola Impresa e Società, Milano. Master PMI e Competitività. Contract Professor for the Operations Management Course.

2015/16. E4Impact Foundation in parthership with the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Alta Scuola Impresa e Società, Milano. Teaching and Capacity Building for the Project and Operations Management course at various universities in Kenya, Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast.

2018/19 Project Management course as part of the 2nd level specializing Master InfraBIManager for the infrastructure and building sectors.

2018/19 Politecnico di Torino. 2nd Level Specializing Master in Energy Efficiency. Docente del corso Finanza per l’efficienza energetica.

2018/19 Politecnico di Torino. Executive Master in Leading the Digital Transformation. Agile Project Management course.

2018/19 Politecnico di Torino. Executive course in Program&Portfolio Management for strategic planning.

2019/20. ESCP Europe Business School. MBA in International Management. Operations Management Course.

Since 2004. Executive courses for managers in various companies and institutions, such as: G.D. Gruppo Coesia, Città di Torino, Cooperative Sociali dell’Alto Milanese, HAPA Zurich, Avio Propulsione Aerospaziale, Lottomatica SpA, Fraunhofer Italia, Astaldi, Astaldi Americas, Astaldi Turkey, Astaldi Europe, Centro Ricerche Fiat, Sky Italia, Contamination Lab.


Research fields

Research projects

Projects funded by commercial contracts

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Supervised PhD students

Other activities and projects related to research

His interests and activities can be subsumed into four main areas of research (see also

A first stream of research is related to Project Management, with regard to project risk management, construction management of industrial, power and social facilities, financial planning, cost monitoring, procurement management, construction contract management, and delivery systems as well as System Dynamics simulation for project management. A derivative stream of empirical studies explores the financial/contractual mechanisms of Project Financing, Build-Operate-Transfer projects, and Public-Private Partnerships [Publications 3, 4, 10, 19].

A second research area is focused on Facilities Management and Maintenance of industrial buildings and distribution warehouses. In particular, studies focus on operations&maintenance of industrial and logistic facilities through empirical analyses of warehouse maintenance costs, as well as the relationship between the maintenance function and the service level.

A third stream is centered on Supply Chain Management, procurement and outsourcing systems, industrial logistics, plants design, and warehouse management, with modeling and simulation applications for warehousing equipment, RFID technologies, and storage processes.

Finally, a research stream is in the area of regional distribution logistics and City Logistics, with focus on business modeling and process management, as well as integration with ICT and Intelligent Transport Systems for freight fleet management and Smart Mobility.


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