Muhammad Abraiz

Muhammad Abraiz's picture

Ph.D. candidate in Ingegneria Civile E Ambientale , 39th cycle (2023-2026)
Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI)

Research Assistant
Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI)

Docente esterno e/o collaboratore didattico
Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI)



Research topic

Remote Sensing for Reducing hydro-meteorological Risk in Sub-saharan Africa


Research presentation

Video presentation

Research interests



Having secured a Bachelor's and a master's degree in Civil Engineering, I am currently doing PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering (39 Cycle) from Politecnico di Torino. My PhD research is based on ''Using Remote sensing techniques for making Digital Maps, required for developing an early warning Flood system in Niger and Burkina Faso''. I am involved in the SLAPIS Sahel research project, where I am processing satellite data to develop useful digital maps for flood prediction. I am using advanced satellite platforms of Google and PLANET and their processing by software like ArcGIS, QGIS, Metashape, Envi, Catalyst Earth, Google Earth Engine and r language. The main goal of my research project is to reduce hydro-meteorological risk and contribute to adaptation to climate change for sustainable development.

The 3 main objectives of my research project are as follows:
1) Strengthen the national institutions of Niger and Burkina Faso responsible for the hydrometeorological monitoring in terms of expertise and tools for monitoring, forecast and analysis, and the consolidation of cross-border cooperation;
2) Creating a cross-border early warning system for floods;
3) Improving the knowledge regarding flood phenomena and how they are managed at all levels.


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Goal 13: Climate action



Master of Science

  • Geomatics. A.A. 2024/25, CIVIL ENGINEERING. Collaboratore del corso