Alessandra Aldieri

Alessandra Aldieri's picture

Fixed-term assistant professor
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS)


Research interests

Biomedical engineering


Alessandra Aldieri got the PhD in Bioengineering and medical-surgical sciences from Politecnico di Torino in 2020, working in the Industrial Bioengineering group led by Prof. Alberto Audenino. After the PhD she carried on her research activities as a post-doctoral fellow at Politecnico di Torino until May 2021. From June 2021 to July 2022 she worked as a Post-Doctoral fellow at the University of Bologna in the research group of Prof. Marco Viceconti. From July 2022 she is Assitant Professor (RTD-A) at Politecnico di Torino. Her main research interest is computational biomechanics applied to human tissues. In particular, she has been focusing on the prediction of bone fracture in silico, with partcular attention to femur and spine skeletal districts.

Scientific branch

IBIO-01/A - Bioengineering
(Area 0009 - Industrial and information engineering)


ERC sectors

PE8_4 - Computational engineering
LS7_12 - Health care, including care for the ageing population
PE8_13 - Industrial bioengineering
LS7_2 - Medical technologies and tools (including genetic tools and biomarkers) for prevention, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of diseases


Goal 3: Good health and well-being

Awards and Honors

  • Premio di Laurea GNB (Gruppo Nazionale di Bioingegneria) conferred by Gruppo Nazionale di Bioingegneria (GNB), Italy (2017)
  • Best Poster Presentation Award “II Centro 3R Annual Meeting” conferred by Centro Interuniversitario per la Promozione dei Principi delle 3R nella Didattica e nella Ricerca, Italy (2019)
  • Premio qualità (2019) conferred by Politecnico di Torino, Italy (2019)
  • Lifebility Award conferred by Lions Clubs International, Associazione Lifebility, Italy (2021)
  • ESB Travel Award conferred by European Society of Biomechanics (ESB), Austria (2021)


  • Fellow - Virtual Physiological Human (VPH), Belgio (2021-)
  • Fellow - Centro 3R, Italia (2019-)
  • Effective member - European Society of Biomechnics, regione non valida o sconosciuta (2017-)


Collegi of the degree programmes



MostraNascondi A.A. passati

Master of Science

MostraNascondi A.A. passati


Research groups

Research projects

Projects funded by competitive calls

Projects funded by commercial contracts

Supervised PhD students

  • Sara Panero. Programme in Bioingegneria E Scienze Medico-chirurgiche (40th cycle, 2024-in progress)


Last years publications

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