Caterina Mele

Associate Professor (L. 240)
Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG)

  • Componente Commissione di Ateneo per l’attuazione del progetto per la valorizzazione degli studenti di talento
  • Member Board of Student Projects and Grants  (STUDI)
  • Green Team Member
  • Member Board of Governors
  • Member Gender Observatory Team
  • Member of Interdepartmental Center R3C - Responsible Risk Resilience Centre


Research interests

Architettura tecnica
Cultura politecnica
Progettazione del paesaggio
Progettazione sostenibile
Storia della città
Storia delle tecniche costruttive
Tecnologia della costruzione


Work Esperience Sector: Research, High Education Occupation or position held: Associate Professor at Politecnico di Torino, Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG), Area 08/C1 – ICAR10, since 2016; She teach Historic building technology at Bachelor’s Degree in Ingegneria Edile (Building Engineering) of the Politecnico di Torino and Environmental Technology at Master’s Degree of Progettazione delle Aree Verdi e del Paesaggio (Green Areas and Landscape Design), Politecnico di Torino, University of Torino, University of Genova, Politecnico di Milano Consortium; Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Torino, Department of Building Engineering and Territorial Systems (DISET), then DISEG, from 2004 to 2015; She teach Building technology at the Bachelor’s Degree in Building Engineering and Master’s Degree in Building Engineering since the academic year 2004-2005; Adjunct Professor at the faculty of Architecture of the Politecnico di Torino and at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Parma from 2002 to 2003; Lecturer of Building technology; External staff, supporting teaching and research 1999 to 2002 Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the Politecnico di Torino from 1997 to 1998; Lecturer of Building technology; Education and academic qualifications 2012 – National Scientific Qualification, level of Associate Professor 1999-2002 – Research Grant, Politecnico di Torino, Faculty of Engineering on the topic “Indagini sul recupero dei materiali e manufatti caratterizzanti gli edifici del Movimento Moderno. Le restrizioni autarchiche, la sperimentazione in campo tecnologico e lo sfruttamento delle materie prime”; 1998 -1999 - Research Contract, Politecnico di Torino, Department of Building Engineering and Territorial Systems (DISET) on the topic “Gli aspetti interdisciplinari della cultura politecnica”; 1988 – PhD in Building Engineering with a thesis entitled “L’intervento sul costruito e l’approccio interdisciplinare della cultura politecnica”; 1994 - 1997 - Winner of a Ministerial Scholarship, she attends the PhD Program in Building Engineering (X Cycle) at Politecnico di Torino; 1992 – 1994 - Winner of a Research Grant from the National Research Council (CNR) of “Progetto Finalizzato Edilizia, sottoprogetto 1. Processo e Procedure sul tema: “Metodologie di analisi e sviluppo di procedure, progetti e tecnologie sperimentali in edilizia” which she carries out at the Politecnico di Torino, Department of Building Engineering and Territorial Systems (DISET); 1988 - Graduated with honors in Architecture (five years) at the Faculty of Architecture of the Politecnico di Torino. Institutional offices and roles Member of the Departmental Board (2012-2015); Member of the Academic Senate of the Politecnico di Torino (2015-2016); Member of the Board of Directors of the Politecnico di Torino (2016 – current to 2024); Member of the public party delegation (Delegazione di Parte Pubblica) of the Politecnico di Torino (2016-2020); Member of the Politecnico Green Team Office (2019 – current to 2024); Educational roles and activity Member of the Board of Ingegneria Edile (Building Engineering) and the Board of Pianificazione e Progettazione (Planning and Design) of Politecnico di Torino (current, from 2004) Joint in the project of Doctorado en Arquitectura para el Siglo XXI Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo – Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (FAU UNNE), Corrientes, Argentina; Coordinator prof. Daniel Edgardo De Vedoya, with an educational module (30 hours) “Ciudad y edificios existentes: cultura, técnica y sostenibilidad. Fundamentos teóricos y problemas de intervención “ (current, in process of accreditation) Member of the Scientific Board of R3C (Responsible, Risk Resilience Centre), Interdisciplinary Research Centre of Politecnico di Torino (current, from dicember 2020); Coordinatar and Scientific Responsible of Summer School Politecnico di Torino - Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo – Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (FAU UNNE), Corrientes (AR), in “Technologies for sustainable construction: the biomimetic approach. Method, materials and application”, may 2018 - This activity has been declared of “Provincial legislative interest of the Region of Chaco” (Ar) with the Resolution n.1612 / 2018 by the Chamber of Deputies of the province of Chaco; Apply Manager for the entrance to the 1st and 2nd level degree courses in Building Engineering (2014-2018); Vice-director of the UNIDESIGN Research Group and Universal Design and Inclusive and Sustainable Designing Course (2016-2019) of the Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering (DISEG); Coordinator and Scientific Responsible of the Training Course - "Sustainable Redevelopment of Existing Urban and Building Heritage" (2014-2015), Anci-Upi (Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani/Unione Province Italiane) and Master School of Politecnico di Torino Member of the Cultural Heritage PhD Council of the Politecnico di Torino (2008-2016); Member of the ITAC (Innovazione Tecnologica per l’Ambiente Costruito) PhD Council of the Politecnico di Torino (2005 -2016); Tutor and lecturer in the Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering and Construction of the MIUR program (Ministry of University and Scientific Research) at the Politecnico di Torino (2003-2004). Scientific research activity and dissemination Caterina Mele's scientific activity mainly concerns the recovery and enhancement of historic and modern heritage, both urban and urban, in relation to the technological aspects of the materials and constructive techniques used, and the environmental sustainability and environmental aspects. Energy integration, even in relation to accessible and inclusive planning issues. She also deals with environmental technology in relation to the issues of restoring the existing city and safeguarding the cultural and environmental assets of the area. From these issues, since 1992, he has participated in CNR projects and various national co-funded relevant research projects; in line with this proposal was PRIN 2008, on the “La costruzione industrializzata in Italia tra gli anni ’60 e gli anni ’80. Modi e Tecniche di conservazione e recupero”/The industrialized building in Italy between the '60s and' 80s. Ways and Techniques of Retention and Recovery, PI, Sergio Poretti) and the activity like member of the Docomomo (International Commitee for Documentation and Conservation of Building, Sites and Neighbouhoods of Modern Movement) Italia sez. Piemonte from 1994 to 2004. Since 2000, she has participated in international conferences Sustainable Building del Green Building Challenge e di iiSBE (International Initiative for a sustainable Built Environment). Moreover she has held various scientific consultations for national public and private organizations, and worked since 1992 in various scientific projects and dissemination of culture (exhibitions, tours and cultural, conferences) with public and private bodies within the region. Among this activities: the monitoring site of the restoration and upgrading of two buildings of historical and monumental value in Turin (2008-2010) and (2012-2015), for the Institute of Santa Maria of the Sisters of Charity of Santa Maria; scientific advisor and collaboration (2012-2013) with the cultural dissemination initiatives of the Corona Verde Strategic Project of the Piedmont Region Environment Agency co-funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund - ERDF 2007-2013), which concerns the metropolitan area and the Turin Hill and involves the territory of 93 municipalities in the province of Turin; scientific advisor and collaboration (2009-2010) with the "Heritage Trail in Piedmont" project to promote the development of sustainable tourism in Piedmont, with the Paralleli Euro-Mediterranean Institute of the North West and the Piedmont Region - Tourism and Culture Sector. She is member of International and Inter-university Biomimicry Network; Member of the Board of Società degli Ingegneri e degli Architetti in Torino; Member of Scientific Society Ar.Tec; Scientific Responsible of research project on “Principles of Climate design in the work of the Masters of the Modern Movement (2019-2021), R3C Center, Politecnico di Torino; Member of the Scientific Committee of the editorial series “Studi e Ricerche sul Paesaggio” /Landscape Studies and Research, Genova University Press (from 2019). She was nominated (2018) by the ITDAHU Institute of the Università Nacional del Nordeste (AR) as “External researcher invited” to the ITDAHU technological research group; She was also: Scientific Coordinator of the winning project of the INTE 2017, International Research project of Compagnia di S. Paolo/Politecnico di Torino, on the “Technologies for sustainable construction: the biomimetic approach. Method, materials and application”(2017-2018) partnership Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo – Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (FAU UNNE), Corrientes, Argentina; Promoter and member of scientific committee of International and interdisciplinary conference "Science and the Future”, held at the Politecnico di Torino from 28 to 31 October 2013 (, II edition “Contradiction and Challenge” fron 12 to 16 Novembre 2018; Scientific responsible of research project funded by the Research Center for Science and Industry in Piedmont (CRISIS), on the topic “the International Diffusion of Polytechnic Culture, and the role played by its graduates In the modernization and infrastructure of the territories of the countries of South America and in particular of Argentina, between the 1800s and the 1900s” (2009-2011); Italian representative in the Board of the International Specialist Commitee of Technology (ISC/T) of Docomomo International (International Commitee for Documentation and Conservation of Building, Sites and Neighbouhoods of Modern Movement) (2002-2004).


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Scientific branch

CEAR-08/A - Architectural Engineering
(Area 0008 - Civil engineering and architecture)


ERC sectors

SH7_6 - Environmental and climate change, societal impact and policy
SH5_10 - Ethics and its applications; social philosophy
SH5_6 - History of art and architecture, arts-based research


Goal 4: Quality education
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 13: Climate action


Editorial boards

  • Revista de Biomimesis (2022-), Editor of magazine, editorial series, encyclopaedia
  • Collana Studi e ricerche sul paesaggio (2019-2025), Scientific Committee member
  • Arquitecno (1994-2030), Scientific Committee member


  • Colloquiate 2019 - ColloquiATe 2019: Ingegno e costruzione nell’epoca della complessità (25/9/2019-28/6/2019), Program committee
  • Science and the Future 2 (12/11/2018-16/11/2018), Program committee
  • Science and the Future (28/10/2013-31/10/2013), Program committee

Research networks


Collegi of the PhD programmes

    Politecnico di TORINO
    Politecnico di TORINO
    Politecnico di TORINO
    Politecnico di TORINO
    Politecnico di TORINO
    Politecnico di TORINO
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