Research database

MArcEL - Macchine Agricole Elettriche

01/06/2019 - 30/09/2022
Principal investigator(s):
Project type:
Regionally funded research - Piattaforme Tecnologiche
Funding body:
REGIONE (Regione Piemonte)
Project identification number:


The “MArcEL – Macchine Agricole Elettriche (Agricultural Electric Machines)” project aims to develop a fully integrated system consisting of a tractor equipped with a generating group and a series of fully electric-powered equipment. The project intends to develop the necessary technologies for the control of electric motors and actuators, the devices and architectures dedicated to the integration between the machines with the related sensors, the preparation of the tractor, the generation system and remote data acquisition / archiving.



  • PRO LOGIC INFORMATICA S.R.L. - Coordinator


Total cost: € 7,824,909.54
Total contribution: € 3,581,248.49
PoliTo total cost: € 500,000.00
PoliTo contribution: € 300,000.00