Research database

BATTERY 2030 - FETPROACT-04-2019

12 months (2020)
Principal investigator(s):
Project type:
UE-funded research - H2020 - Excellent Science - FET
Funding body:
Project identification number:


The BATTERY 2030+ initiative will be based on a multi-disciplinary and cross-sectorial approach to bring in all the necessary skills for developing future European battery roadmap while addressing a wide range of strategic applications. To achieve this goal, a team of 17 partners, leaders in their fields, from 9 EU member states will join efforts. Three specific objectives have been defined: 1) BATTERY 2030+ roadmap establishment 2) Propose R&D actions and 3) Secure official stakeholder commitments. Related WPs, tasks, milestones and risks are considered to achieve these objectives. Beyond FETPROACT-04-2019 project, BATTERY 2030+ initiative, will act as a cornerstone in the construction of a long-term research road on batteries, as the long-term initiative mentioned in the EBA strategic action plan. This new initiative will supply the European battery eco-system with completely new disruptive technologies (Low TRL)



  • Uppsala Universitet


Total cost: € 499,456.25
Total contribution: € 499,456.25
PoliTo total cost: € 14,125.00
PoliTo contribution: € 14,125.00