Research database

P4ELECS - Platform for Electrification Skills and Competencesjavascript:;

15/03/2024 - 14/03/2028
Principal investigator(s):
Project type:
Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence
Funding body:
Project identification number:
PoliTo role:


P4ELECS starts from a strong need in the innovation landscape of the energy sector to support the provision of competences and practical skills for projects relevant to the energy transition, reducing the time needed to go from research to implementation as well as creating flows of knowledge and experiences at international level, through an integrated system. P4ELECS focuses on electrification, the corner stone of the energy transition, involving partners from 5 countries (BE, NL, IT, LT, DE) from Higher Education and VET sectors, Industry and innovation support organisations, Public Authorities responsible for education, accreditation and employment at regional and national levels, to work in a twofold direction and contribute to both VET excellence and INNOVATION support. Targeting VETs, HEIs, enterprises, Industry-related training providers, engineers and technicians, P4ELECS will focus on: 1. Creating a flexible training offer (with more than 200 modules, 24 courses and 500 participants) at the highest Quality and European standards via a user-centric platform as well as practical international experiences based on skills needs intelligence, that can be adapted to the specific educational paths of learners both for initial training and up-skilling and re-skilling of adults and including key competences in order to integrate the whole cycle of production from ideation to implementation responding to innovation needs in terms of competences, from EQF 5 to 7. 2. Developing long-term local skills ecosystems (involving over 100 stakeholders) through system mapping and change coordinated by the P4ELECS CoVE i) based on VET provision as a driving force for life-long learning and closely collaborating with the Higher Education and Research system ii) strictly linked to the local innovation ecosystems ii) with a strong international dimension, including with other CoVEs, both in the share of knowledge, development of content and training experience.



  • KU LEUVEN - Coordinator


ERC sectors

LS1_1 - Molecular interactions
LS1_4 - RNA synthesis, processing, modification and degradation
LS1_5 - Protein synthesis, modification and turnover
LS1_7 - Carbohydrate synthesis, modification and turnover
LS1_8 - Biophysics (e.g. transport mechanisms, bioenergetics, fluorescence)
LS1_9 - Structural biology (crystallography and EM)
LS2_1 - Genomics, comparative genomics, functional genomics
LS2_10 - Bioinformatics
LS2_11 - Computational biology
LS2_12 - Biostatistics
LS1_3 - DNA synthesis, modification, repair, recombination and degradation
LS2_14 - Biological systems analysis, modelling and simulation
LS2_2 - Transcriptomics
LS2_3 - Proteomics
LS2_4 - Metabolomics
LS1_6 - Lipid synthesis, modification and turnover
LS2_6 - Molecular genetics, reverse genetics and RNAi
LS2_7 - Quantitative genetics
LS2_6 - Molecular genetics, reverse genetics and RNAi
LS2_5 - Glycomics
LS2_4 - Metabolomics
LS2_13 - Systems biology
LS2_2 - Transcriptomics
LS2_14 - Biological systems analysis, modelling and simulation
LS2_13 - Systems biology
LS2_12 - Biostatistics
LS2_11 - Computational biology
LS2_10 - Bioinformatics
LS2_1 - Genomics, comparative genomics, functional genomics
LS1_9 - Structural biology (crystallography and EM)
LS1_8 - Biophysics (e.g. transport mechanisms, bioenergetics, fluorescence)
LS1_7 - Carbohydrate synthesis, modification and turnover
LS1_6 - Lipid synthesis, modification and turnover
LS1_5 - Protein synthesis, modification and turnover
LS1_4 - RNA synthesis, processing, modification and degradation
LS1_3 - DNA synthesis, modification, repair, recombination and degradation
LS1_2 - General biochemistry and metabolism
LS1_11 - Biochemistry and molecular mechanisms of signal transduction
LS1_10 - Structural biology (NMR)
LS1_1 - Molecular interactions
LS2_5 - Glycomics
LS2_3 - Proteomics
LS1_2 - General biochemistry and metabolism
LS1_11 - Biochemistry and molecular mechanisms of signal transduction
LS1_10 - Structural biology (NMR)


Total cost: € 4,988,334.00
Total contribution: € 3,990,670.00
PoliTo total cost: € 327,779.00
PoliTo contribution: € 262,223.00