Research database


01/10/2010 - 30/09/2013
Principal investigator(s):
Project type:
UE-funded research - VII PQ - COOPERATION - ICT
Project identification number:


The Internet has evolved from a technology-centric core network to a user- and content-centric network that must support millions of users creating and consuming content. It must accommodate new services with new requirements and cope with heterogeneous network technologies. The momentum is moving toward the end user who is now capable of creating, storing, and delivering content and services. FIGARO proposes a Future Internet architecture that is structured around residential networks. In this architecture, home gateways have a key role as integrator of different networks and services, and as coordinator of Internet-wide distributed content management. FIGARO will: i) design a novel content management architecture that enables distributed content backup, search and access. This architecture will also support mobile users and wireless ad-hoc content sharing; ii) develop a network optimization framework, leveraging community networks and heterogeneous networks; iii) deliver a network management architecture which includes new network monitoring and real-time troubleshooting techniques; iv) explore novel Internet-based communication and service solutions for emerging sectors, such as energy management and e-health care.We will deliver the components of the FIGARO architecture through an experimental approach incorporating testbed prototyping of solutions. In summary, FIGARO is intended to evolve the current Internet to meet future demands of applications, services and end-users, while preserving its current robustness and increasing its scalability and efficiency. Furthermore, the integration of new sectors into the future Internet will spur trans-sector innovation and create new businesses. The project is expected to result in technologies that will strengthen Europe's position and give competitive advantage to European industry in the areas of Future Internet technologies and services, residential gateways and home automation.
