Research database

REcube - REcube: REthink, REvive, REuse - Transmitting the knowledge for the green regeneration of the European Concrete Heritage

36 months (2024)
Principal investigator(s):
Project type:
Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships
Funding body:
Project identification number:
Form ID KA220-HED-1BCB4FA7
PoliTo role:


“The cultural heritage of the twentieth century is at risk from a lack of appreciation and care. Much has already been lost and more is in danger. It is a living, evolving heritage and it is essential to understand, conserve, interpret and manage it well for future generations.” This opening statement from the 2017 Madrid-New Delhi Document “Approaches to the Conservation of Twentieth-Century Cultural Heritage” by the ICOMOS International Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage sets the framework within which the REcube cooperation partnership wants to act. REcube’s MISSION is conceiving and transmitting a new sustainable best practice to foster the DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW MINDSET in the field of Modern Heritage Regeneration, based on the imminent and highly necessary culture change in the building sector accelerated by the COVID-19 crisis. It is time to RETHINK how we manage and transform the architecture of our recent past, how we can REVIVE and REUSE it. To do so, the REcube cooperation partnership will nurture a NEW GENERATION of young professionals by exposing the students to cross-disciplinary education in Modern Heritage Preservation with a focus on research, innovation, durability and care through the REcube Learning Teaching Training Activities and the REcube MOOC (PR2). At the project’s completion, REcube will continue to support them in their professional post-university paths via the REcube Alumni activities within the REcube Talent Community, a networking and knowledge-sharing environment where they will be able to rejoin the programme’s teachers, sharing then together the REcube experience with a wider international audience. The REcube outcomes will foster INTERACTIVE DIALOGUE between the academic and the non-academic sectors in the field of architectural renovation and conservation with the creation of the REcube Digital Academy platform (PR1) and sustain the regeneration and management of the Modern European building stock with the REcube Guidelines for Practitioners (PR3). In the fragile post-pandemic world, climate change awareness will be an even more integral part of construction and renovation processes. The need for applicable best practices is more urgent than ever. Ultimately, REcube will validate the VIABILITY of a dynamic, technologically and materially sophisticated as well as culturally conscious approach to sustainable heritage regeneration to a wide international public with the definition of the REcube Joint Master’s Programme.





ERC sectors

PE8_3 - Civil engineering, architecture, maritime/hydraulic engineering, geotechnics, waste treatment

Sustainable Development Goals

Obiettivo 11. Rendere le città e gli insediamenti umani inclusivi, sicuri, duraturi e sostenibili


Total cost: € 399,873.00
Total contribution: € 399,873.00
PoliTo total cost: € 21,830.00
PoliTo contribution: € 21,830.00