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The second edition of the Executive Master in Business & Technology kicks off

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The second edition of the Executive Master in Business & Technology begins, born from the collaboration between the Politecnico and CUOA Business School

After a successful first edition, the second edition of the Executive Master's in Business & Technology, the Tech-EMBA launched by CUOA and Politecnico, kicks off in Turin on 18 October. It combines the characteristic subjects of business administration studies with the new paradigms of technology-oriented business management such as the use of data, artificial intelligence and the space economy.

The joint objective of the Polytechnic and CUOA Business School is to respond to the challenge of upskilling, providing participants with the tools to take part in and, above all, drive change in a global market context characterised by speed and uncertainty.

The master combines theory and practice with moments of individual study, open discussion phases, intensive training and networking appointments. The opening day took place in the Hall of Honour of the Valentino Castle, Viale Mattioli 39, with panel discussions and speeches inspired by current challenges.

The works started with the institutional greetings by the RectorStefano Corgnati, by Paolo Neirotti, Director of the Master and Continuing Education School, Alberto Felice De Toni and Giuseppe Caldiera, respectively Scientific Director and General Director of CUOA Business School. Professor Alberto De Toni then gave a keynote speech entitled ‘Managing complexity’, a fundamental theme for managers today.

Professor Emilio Paolucci, Scientific Director of the Executive Master, moderated the debate focused on the role of executive training in the development of managerial skills in the era of Artificial Intelligence , during which the following spoke: Sara Fabiana Bosca, HR Director Microtecnica, Collins Italia, Angelo Cleopatra, Technology & Digital HR business partner of Iveco Group, Paolo Manini, Head of High vacuum Division at SAES Getters S.p.A and Fabio Scaltritti, Chief R&D Officer at Luigi Lavazza S.p.A.

In the afternoon, Enrico Bagnasco, Head of the Group Technology & Services Coordination Area at Intesa Sanpaolo, and Christian Greco, Director of the Egyptian Museum of Turin, gave a keynote speech entitled ‘Technological development, culture and institutional models: an ever-changing story’.

Professor Paolucci then introduced the Master's course and then introduced the participants with the support of Chiara Frigo, Faculty member of the Master.

“Training in management requires ever greater knowledge of technology as a complex set of knowledge, tools, methods and organisational processes - said professor Emilio Paolucci - The ability to govern the interaction between these aspects today requires new ways of thinking and acting, in which strategy, business models, investments and the institutional set-ups of organisations are continually modified and challenged. The specificity of this Executive Master is precisely that of addressing these issues with a look at the technologies that are only now emerging and that will characterise the economy and society in the coming years”.