Team Policumbent wins the WHPSC in Nevada for the second year running

Once again this year, Team Policumbent participated in the World Human Powered Speed Challenge and took first place. The competition, as last year, was held in the straight road of SR305 Austin - Battle Mountain (Nevada, U.S.A.), and the Team competed with Team Altaïr, from University Institute of Technology (Annecy, France) — already met last year —, and Team Monash Human Power, from Monash University (Melbourne, Australia), a new entry this year.
Team Policumbent came into play with two vehicles: the handtrike Cerberus, driven by the gold medal Italian paralympic Diego Colombari, and the faired recumbent Phoenix, driven in both male and female categories by the Japanese-Italian Enzo Yokota and Matilde Vitillo, the four-times European champion on track and one-time World champion.
To achieve this result, the Team had to face technical problems and unfavourable weather conditions, including a headwind during the race, but withstood the test and won the important prize. There were two victories on asphalt, thanks to the performances of Matilde, who was ranked as the fourth fastest woman in the world, and Diego, who was awarded Cyclist of the Week, thanks to his perseverance, and as the second fastest man in the world.
The maximum speed reached by the Team’s riders, communicated during the final’s awards, were: Diego Colobari: 82,88 km/h, Matilde Vitillo: 121,41 km/h, Enzo Yokota: 111,3 km/h
“As a Team we’re very satisfied of the obtained results, – commented Alberto Eusebio, Team Leader of during the WHPSC2023 – regardless of the records, the speeds achieved and the prices received, we are happy with how we worked, teaming up and helping each other throughout the year”.