Politecnico hosted the first PoliTO - CSC DAY for chinese students
Since 2019, CSC and PoliTO have enhanced their partnership by establishing a new agreement specifically dedicated to Ph.D. level, valid for Full Degree Ph.D. program and Visiting Ph.D. program. PoliTo goal is to increase the number of outstanding PhD students from China and, at the same time, to enhance the quality and the quantity of mutually beneficial research cooperation between PoliTO and Chinese partner universities. Politecnico wants to further develop its international community of students and scholars and to support the dialogue between different cultures.
Many CSC students have attended the meeting – opened with a speech by the Rector of Politecnico, Prof. Guido Saracco - and have had the chance to meet each other and build up new connections, listening to other CSC candidates’ experiences and know more about CSC program. Since the first agreement signed in 2019, the number of CSC students has been growing steadily: in this academic year 2022/23, 8 new full-degree students and 26 new visiting PhD students are at POLITO with a CSC scholarship. The Chinese students represents the 19% of international students at Politecnico.
Hu Xiaopeng, Deputy director division of European, Asian and African affairs was connected from Beijing and emphasized the commitment of PoliTo as an active partner even before signing the agreement. Satisfaction for the initiative has been expressed also by the Director of Doctoral School Prof. Eugenio Brusa, who stressed the importance of internationalization program and intercultural approach.
Finally, “Community” can be considered as a key word linked to this project as Prof. Michele Bonino - Rector’s delegate for International Relations with China and Asian Countries - highlighted during the welcoming speech. Our university is building strong communities at Politecnico di Torino, among them one of the biggest is the Chinese community: PoliTo China Alumni Association (PCAA) and Chinese Students and Scholar Association (CSSA) are two examples of PoliTO existing communities. Before the closing remarks, the CSC student’s Li Bin, Guo Beini and Li Bing, shared their experience with the audience.