Research & Innovation

Emiliano Descrovi is the new president of the European Optical Society

Emiliano Descrovi, professor at the Department of Applied Science and Technology-DISAT, has been elected as the new president of the European Optical Society-EOS. For the next two years, he will lead the non-profit organisation that brings together and coordinates most of the national optical and photonics societies in Europe. 

With more than 4000 full members, the EOS aims to encourage cooperation between experts and technicians in the fields of optics, optoelectronics and photonics by promoting the practical use of research results.

To this end, the Society organises international conferences, scientific, technical and cultural meetings, training courses and industrial exhibitions, and maintains partnerships with other societies and organisations, national or international, that share similar interests. These include the European Physical Society-EPS, the Japan Society of Applied Physics, the Optical Society of Japan, the Taiwan Photonics Society, the Chinese Optical Society, the Optical Society of Korea and the Iberamerican Network for Optics. The EOS is also represented within the European Photonics21 platform and thus participates in projects and initiatives to promote scientific dissemination and education in optics and related fields.

“I am very honoured to be able to take on this role for the next two years - comments professor Descrovi - In fact, I believe that the voluntary work of those who decide to support non-profit scientific societies such as the EOS is essential for aggregating and consolidating the communities of reference. For the future, we aim to increase the quality of scientific communication at EOS events and to facilitate dialogue with policy-makers in the European Commission and platforms such as Photonics21 and PhotonHub Europe. The recent success of the EOS Annual Meeting, organised last September in Naples, encourages us to continue in this direction”.