Foto delle attività degli studenti

Alta Scuola Politecnica: working as a team to enhance academic education

Group photo for ASP School participants
Group photo for ASP School participants

Learning, engaging in discussions, and working in multidisciplinary teams to enrich their academic and professional experience: this was the opportunity offered to more than 150 students by the Winter and Spring School on the topics of "Design Methods and Processes" and "Dynamics of Innovation", organized by the Alta Scuola Politecnica - a two-year joint program of excellence between the Politecnico di Torino and the Politecnico di Milano - as part of its 20th cycle activities. The event took place from May 13th to 17th of May at Villaggio Olimpico in Bardonecchia, with the participation of a large group of excellent students selected by the two Universities.

The two schools, coordinated respectively by Professors Gaetano Cascini (Politecnico di Milano) and Marco Cantamessa (Politecnico di Torino), allowed the "ASPers" - ASP students - to explore various topics related to research, design and innovation through group work and expert interventions in the field.

Group activities
Group activities

The event also included recreational moments, such as the award ceremonies at the end of the two schools: the winning groups of the pitch presentations were awarded the "Cucchiarella" (for Cascini's school) and the "Campanaccio" (for Cantamessa's school), symbolic trophies dedicated to the 20th ASP cycle, traditionally awarded to students.

The residential experience proved to be a crucial formative moment, allowing students to explore and deepen topics beyond those strictly related to their degree programs. Through the schools and, more generally, through the Alta Scuola Politecnica, they were provided with the necessary tools to face new engineering challenges, which increasingly require interdisciplinary and innovative approaches.

This experience would not have been possible without the invaluable efforts of Professors Cascini and Cantamessa, with the support of tutors Teresa Monti, Graziana Blandino, Samuele Colombo, Francesco Luigi Monte, Federico Morosi and Shumin Li, along with the work of the ASP staff from the respective universities.