
AlmaLaurea: Politecnico degree offers secure jobs and salaries above national average

Politecnico di Torino proves to train valued graduates in the Italian and international context, which are very looked-for in the labour market. 89% find a job in less than one year after graduation, a far higher ratio compared to the 75,5% of the national average. These are the latest AlmaLaurea 2024 findings on PoliTO Graduates' Profile and Employment Status.

The rates grow when considering PoliTO Master’s graduates: 93,6% compared to the 88,2% of the national average.

Fulvio Corno, Vice Rector for Education, stated as follows: “Data show Politecnico’s study offer value, higher than in the national average and akin to the best scientific and technologic universities; students satisfaction rates keep motivating our efforts for enhancing our study offer quality on multiple levels”.

AlmaLaurea survey involved around 7.586 PoliTO graduates: 3.390 from bachelor and 4.196 from master degrees. Data focus on the performance analysis of 2022 bachelor graduates, interviewed one year after graduation, and 2018 master graduates, interviewed five years after graduation.

Students and their families nowadays await AlmaLaurea report, which often influence their career path choice. The study proves a solid trend: Politecnico di Torino’s graduates easily find their jobs, with higher medium wages compared to the other Italian universities, also in these times of economic downturn.

Politecnico’s international dimension also arises with a growing data: foreign students graduates are now 12,9% (15,5% of master graduates, compared with the national average of 7,7%). Furthermore, more than half of master students apply for exchange programs, leaving behind us the rate fall due to the pandemic phase.

Satisfaction rates are also encouraging: 84,3% of students expressed their appreciation for the relationship with professors, and 92,1% of graduates also rated positively the infrastructures offer. 90,5% of graduates are pleased with their overall experience at Politecnico.

Considering the precise job profiles of PoliTO bachelor graduates, AlmaLaurea reports that most of them (86,6%) enrol to master degrees, postponing their concrete access to the job market. This is why the most relevant interviews are those taken one and five years after master graduation.

Going deeper into the employment conditions of Politecnico’s graduates is also interesting. 74% can can rely on full-time permanent contract, with higher wages than the national average: 1.721 monthly net euros one year after graduation – national average being 1.432 – and 2.123 euros five years after graduation – national average being 1.768. Both these data have grown since last findings.

AlmaLaurea survey finally shows relevant information on the concrete access to the labor market. Students already get in contact with companies during their career paths: 35,2% of bachelor graduates and 49,9% of master graduates were involved in recognized internships. More than half of them (54,1%) already work during their study period.