
Joined Up Writing - Unite! Edition

Students, researchers, faculty, or staff members from institutions within the Unite! alliance, unleash your creativity by participating in the collaborative project "Joined Up Writing – Unite! Edition."
Inspired by the work of Scottish poet Fin Hall, this initiative invites you to co-create a multilingual poem online, fostering cultural and linguistic exchange in a spirit of simplicity and collaboration. A poetic adventure organized by Rebecca Guy (Grenoble INP UGA English teacher, poet and project leader), and Björn Kjellgren (KHT associate professor, poet and project leader), with Unite! Multilingual activity4all.

The concept?
Each participant adds a verse (at least two lines) to the collective poem. The last line of your contribution will then be passed to another poet to inspire the next part, creating a chain of shared creativity and emotions.

Why participate?
- Express your creativity: bring your thoughts and emotions to life through poetry, in a language you’re fluent in or eager to explore.
- Explore cultures: contributions are welcomed in any language (with an approximate English translation), making this project a true celebration of linguistic diversity.
- Collaborate in a unique way: Connect with creative minds across Europe to craft a unique work that symbolizes collaboration and shared inspiration.
- Celebrate poetry: your contribution will become part of a collective poem to be published on European Poetry Day, March 25, 2025.

More information
  • Send an email to Guillaume Clot (Centre de Langues IDEX formation - Grenoble INP-UGA)with the subject "Joined Up Writing Unite! Edition 2024", and you will receive all the information you need to join this project.
  • Curious for a sneak peek? Discover the 2021-2022 edition of the "Joined Up Writing – UGA Edition" project. You can also watch a video featuring Fin Hall, the creator of the concept, sharing his experience and the origins of the project launched during the first lockdown.