
Unite! Multicultural and Intercultural Training Program

Unite! is committed to continuously designing and adapting training offers to enhance multilingualism and multiculturalism among faculty and staff. These initiatives aim to foster a globally competent academic community prepared to navigate and thrive in diverse cultural environments.

Upcoming Training Opportunities
New online workshops and training sessions will be available after the summer. Faculty and staff can find detailed information and register for these sessions by visiting the Faculty & Staff training catalogue.

Additionally, starting on September 24th, Unite! will launch its Faculty & Staff language tandem program. This initiative offers a fantastic opportunity to practice and improve one of the 10 official Unite! languages, or simply to immerse yourself in another European culture.

The Pilot Program
The Unite! expert community working on Professional Development and Training, successfully completed it's spring 2024 pilot program focusing on intercultural and multilingual competencies. This program, accessible through the Faculty & Staff digital platform and Metacampus spaces, featured online workshops from three Unite! partner universities.

Here are some examples:
  • Beyond Words: Exploring Non-Verbal Communication in Teaching
    Led by Balbina Moncada (UPC), this 2.5-hour workshop on April 10, 2024, engaged 14 participants in the nuances of non-verbal communication.
  • Learning to Learn a Language – Using Swedish as an Example
    Victor Englund (KTH) conducted a hands-on 3-hour session on May 24, 2024, with six participants. This workshop began with a discussion on effective language learning strategies and concluded with teaching simple Swedish phrases.
  • Successfully Dealing with Interculturality
    Erhard Semlitsch from TU Graz led a full-day training session focused on intercultural competencies. Participants appreciated the practical tips and enriching discussions with peers.