From 16 Sep
Events at the Politecnico

WIMBY - Wind in My Backyard | Workshop

The WIMBY - Wind in My Backyard - project, funded by the European Union and launched in January 2023, will host interactive workshops on the Island of Pantelleria from September 16 to 20 2024. This initiative aims to analyse the potential impact of both onshore and offshore wind installations on the local community through immersive and participatory activities.

Among the partners of the WIMBY project are Deep Blue, an Italian leading company in European research focused on innovation, user-centered design, and compatibility between new technologies, the environment, and society, the MOREnergy Lab (Marine Offshore Renewable Energy Lab) of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering-DIMEAS of the Politecnico di Torino, and the University of Palermo, committed to assessing impacts on marine wildlife. The Italian partners are particularly focused on the pilot site on the Island of Pantelleria, a biodiversity reserve and National Park, considered as a high-potential site to host a cutting-edge offshore wind farm.

This initiative aims to analyze the potential impact of wind installations, both onshore and offshore, on the local community through immersive and participatory activities. The Island of Pantelleria was chosen as one of the four pilot sites of the WIMBY project because the landscapes of this territory, which are crucial for local life, tourism, and wildlife, could be impacted by wind energy projects, but could also lead to reduced energy costs.
This is why the workshops are designed to promote a collaborative decision-making process, ensuring that the opinions and needs of the involved communities are considered right from the planning stage of hypothetical installations. The presence of dedicated facilitators and informal networking moments with refreshments and drinks will further encourage constructive dialogue and relationship-building.

In addition to the workshop sessions, there will be other interactive activities taking place in parallel:Event Schedule:
16-17 September: Scauri
18-19 September: Tracino
20 September: Pantelleria

To register and participate, please fill out this form.
Those who express interest in attending the workshops will receive further details in due course.

For more information, contact